Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Rock Hill School Board Needs Your Help
Budget Questions From Board Members
· How much money is in the budget for consultants?
· How many district credit cards are there and how much is being charged to them?
· How many cell phones (and the amount being spent) are being paid for by the district and schools? Does the district coordinate the contract for these and have we gone out for competitive bids on them?
· How much do we spend on our email servers and spam filter? What would be the cost to convert email to GMail?
· How much do we spend on software license? Have we considered switching to open source programs instead?
· How many employees have exited Terri? How much money would be saved if those employees were restricted to making no more than someone with 28 years experience?
· How much money is in the budget for "in district" travel? For out of district travel?
· How much money is in the budget for contract work (cleaning, maintenance, grass cutting, ect.) and what are the major activities?
· How much do we spend for graduation and have we considered selling tickets to defray costs (first 4 tickets free)?
· How much money would we save in utilities if our "out of city schools", primarily Rock Hill , Castle Heights , and Independence were in the city?
· How much money would we save if all our schools on city power had the same "new schools" power cost.
· How much is in the budget for professional development? For late start days?
· How much is in the budget for "District" printing and publications?
· How many district employees have access to vehicles at home? What is the cost for this?
· How much money is spent by our district and schools on mailings and trinkets (shirts, pens, coffee cups ect.)?
· How much does it cost to operate the pony for district communications? Is there a savings by reducing the frequency? Using a more fuel efficient vehicle?
· What is our current contract with Kelly Services (substitute teachers)?
· How many substitute hours/days/people does $250,000 equal (amount recommended for removal from budget)?
· Looking back at the Consultant's recommendations, are we making progress on special needs classes & teachers as recommended by the consultant?
· List of positions that did not renew contracts and their current salaries?
· Review travel request form and how conferences and workshops are selected?
· Cost for I.B program(s)?
· Cost for school nurses (attrition)?
· Can any positions be shared by schools?
· How much could be saved by not printing payroll stubs (have them available online)?
· How much to we contribute toward IB and AP exams?
· How much do we spend on overtime and are there opportunities there?
· How much do we spend on postage and are there opportunities there?
· How much do we spend printing High School course catalogs and can we put this online instead?
· Do we have materials needed for a few classes that we should be charging student fees for?
· Do we still have a minimum number of students required for advanced classes (primarily IB) and could we raise the minimum to save money? Should we get rid of the easy math class for IB?
Take that John Stossel! Some good education news!
Ok. BoardBuzz admits, we’re picking on media’s most vocal school-basher. But educators should be forgiven if they gloat over these results: at every age, by every student group, in both reading and math, American schoolkids are outperforming their counterparts from 30 years ago. Moreover, our 9- and 13-year olds are scoring at their highest levels since scores have been collected.
According to NAEP’s Long-Term Trends released today, reading and math scores also increased by statistically significant margins in the four years between 2004 and 2008, with the one exception of 17-year-olds in math. In addition to higher student performance, the report shows dramatic increases in the numbers of students taking high-level math. Nearly two-thirds of 13-year-olds (62%) were taking algebra or pre-algebra compared to one-third in 1986. And a whopping 72% of 17-year-olds had taken courses Algebra II and higher, up from 47% in 1978.
The folks at Education Week had a markedly different take on the matter.
For more information, be sure to check out the Center for Public Education. You can also participate in an online discussion hosted by NCES at 2:00 p.m. ET. Click here to submit your question in advance and participate in the chat.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Rock Hill Schools Cancel Snow Make-up Day
The Board voted to have a work session on Monday, May 4 to discuss next years budget and to approve the application for renewal of the Children's Attention Home Charter. Both votes were 7-0.
Ten parents (or grandparents) came to speak to the board about continuing the Challenger after school and summer programs. One of those parents also talked about keeping National Board Certification pay.
Guest Post on National Board Pay
In addition, National Board was an outstanding program for me because it focused on my field of expertise: art education. Most courses offered by the district are more general. Returning to school to take more art ed courses is just not an option with the price of tuition.
National Board provided me with a means of growing as a teacher and advancing in my area that I could not have otherwise experienced. It is a good feeling to know that I have a Masters Degree and I am Board Certified. Most of the folks who supported me had a masters first too before attempting National Board.
While I understand that these are very difficult days for those making decisions about finances, I do hope that National Board teachers will not be singled out to bear more than our share of the financial deficit. In my case, if the district and state did not support National Board financially and with two days of furlough, I will bring home at least $10,000 less in future years. The "extra" money for our family simply pays bills and should allow me to feed some money into the education plan for my children. Dare I ask what it would say to suddenly decide to not pay any teachers for advanced course work such as a master's degree or a doctorate? We could do that and generate a lot more income but would that be right????
The vast majority of teachers are hard workers. This is no less true of National Board people. I believe the gift in Board Certification is allowing teachers to "do more" in a profession which has limited options for teachers to advance once they receive their masters.
It has always been my impression that our district is committed to the National Board program. I hope that we will not falter in those commitments as we face difficult financial mountains.
Thank you for your time.
Susan Barnette
Art Education at Sullivan Middle School
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Rock Hill Schools 2009-10 Budget is Bad. REALLY BAD!
- No supplemental National Board Teacher pay - a reduction of $3,000 for Nationally Certified Board Teachers and a reduction in the budget of $750,000
- Teacher pay reduction of 2.6% and all others having a 3.8% reduction, resulting in $2.25 million savings in the budget
- Eliminating 70 jobs with a budget savings of $3.7 million
- Eliminate Challenger Scholarships for a savings of $75,000
- Reduce the amount spent for substitute teachers for a savings of $250,000
- Reduce supplies to the schools in the amount of $80,000
- Reduce travel by 50% for a savings of $200,000
Anyone wishing to speak to the Board on National Board Pay or the Challenger program can sign up before the meeting and address the Board at the beginning of the meeting.
I. Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
(Under consent agenda, all action items will be voted on after one motion and second to approve them without discussion. If a board member wants any action item discussed or voted on separately, the board member, before the agenda is approved, must ask that the action item be moved to the discussion item section.)
II. Citizen Participation
III. Special Business
A. Recognition of Winners of State Superintendent's Writing Awards Program
B. Recognition of District Accreditation from Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
C. Recognition of ATC State Winners
IV. Consent Action Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
1. March 23, 2009 business meeting
2. April 6, 2009 work session
B. Approval of Personnel Recommendations
C. Approval of Overnight Field Trip Requests (2)
D. Approval of Children's Attention Home Charter School Application
E. Approval of Funding Flexibility Application
VI. Report of the Superintendent
A. Announcements
B. Preliminary Budget Report
C. Technology Report
D. Title VII Funding
VII. Review of Work Session
VIII. Action Agenda
A. Forgiveness of Snow Make-up Day
B. Called Work Session for Budget Purposes – May 4
IX. Other Business
X. Executive Session
XI. Adjourn
Rock Hill Schools Teacher of the Year, Bryan Coburn, to be on ETV show on Sunday, April 26
The SC ETV Television program, "In Our Schools" will focus on this years Teacher of the Year finalists. Northwestern High School's Bryan Coburn, one of the five state finalists, will be on the show.
The show airs from 6 to 7 p.m. Sunday, locally on South Carolina ETV channel 30 (WCNC) or Rock
Hill Cable channel 7.. "In Our Schools" is designed for parents and educators and produced by ITV,
which is part of the state Department of Education.
Rock Hill Schools Announces 2009-10 Teachers of the Year
New Teachers of the Year for 2009-10 are as follows:
David Finley
Masonry, Applied
Krystal Berry
Kindergarten, Belleview Elementary
Liz Goble
Media Specialist,
Denise Catoe
Page Hinton
Montessori (ages 3/4/5), The Children's School
Careers & Technology, Dutchman Creek Middle
Pattie Starnes
Physical Education,
Kristi McGuirt
Grade 2, Ebinport Elementary
Mary Kennington
School Psychologist, Exceptional Student Ed.
Donna Elliott
Grade 3,
Stephanie Carter
Grade 5,
Merri Anna Allred
Media Specialist,
Kelli Fermet
Special Ed./Resource, Lesslie Elementary
Melisa Smith
Media Specialist,
Kim Ham
David Pittman
Special Ed./Resource, Northwestern High
Julie Marshall
Grade 5, Oakdale Elementary
Laurel Hilton
Art, Old Pointe Elementary
Jennifer Baughman
Kelly Shaw
Heather Dobbins
Risé Strickland
Diane Alexander
Grade 1, Rosewood Elementary
Eileen Garrett
Special Ed./SC/PMD, Saluda Trail Middle
Cynthia Robinson
Family & Consumer Science, South Pointe High
Elaine Morales Acevedo
Karen Holt
Literacy/Reading Recovery,
Tomi Kay Simpson
Grade 1,
Kristy Knight
Grade 3,
Is Governor Sanford Consistent?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Rock Hill's Angelina Blackmon Makes All-ACC

Northwestern High School Graduate Angelina Blackmon earned All-ACC honors in the 800 meters with a third place finish in the event to lead NC State to a seventh-place finish at the ACC Outdoor Track and Field Championships.
Blackmon just missed All-ACC honors in the 1,500 meters with a fourth place finish in the event. Her 4:25.06 was a NCAA regional qualifying mark, the second of the season for her in the event.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Is Sanford Fit For Office? You Decide
- The State will become #1 in the nation in unemployment
- Public education funding will drop to 1999 levels (1995 for higher ed)
- SC will lose $300 million in matching health programs and health care for the poor will be much worse
- Food inspections will drop from 4 times a year to 1 time a year
- 3 prisons will be closed and an equivalent number of inmates will be released with fewer parole officers to monitor them
- There will be 40 fewer highway patrol officers and 125 fewer SLED agents
- South Carolina will be paying for programs in other states, keeping their citizens employed and educated. $10 million will go to North Carolina, money which could be helping South Carolina.
So....Do you think he is making decisions in the best interest of South Carolina? If not, contact State Senator Mick Mulvaney and tell him to do something about it.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Rock Hill Schools Information For Thursday, April 9, 2009
®Students at
®Tthe Rock Hill High School Concert Choir placed first in sight reading and fourth overall (out of 27) in the state choral festival. On April 4 the choir received a gold rating and the Adjudicator's Award (for the highest score in their category) at a competition in
®The Northwestern Troubadours received a rating of superior and placed first in the AAAA Division Choral Competition in
®The South Pointe High School Stallion Corral Concert Choir received a superior rating at the state choral concert on Mar. 27. South Pointe placed 5th in the state in the AAAA category with a score of 290 out of 300 and third in the state for sight reading.
® Northwestern High School Theatre Art Students placed first at the South Carolina Theatre Assn. competition and were finalists at the South Carolina Thespian Festival.
® The
® The
Monday, April 6, 2009
School Improvement Councils and York County Education Association To Discuss Legislative Issues on April 9, 2009
Open Letter to Governor Mark Sanford
Friday, April 3, 2009
Sanford: “They’re Not Going To Get That Money”
Comments on Federal Stimulus
A comment was made at Monday's press conference that only a fool doesn't change his mind. I'm hoping the governor has changed his and will accept the stimulus funding. While you are pondering your position, here are a few comments made by District Three Teacher of the year Bryan Coburn:
"It has been widely reported that if Gov. Sanford cannot use the federal stimulus money to pay down the state's debt, he will not accept the funds. These millions of dollars intended to help our schools, and let me repeat, help our schools, will be sent to other states if the Governor makes good on his promise.
The citizens of South Carolina held varied views concerning the stimulus package. Some were against it, some supported it, and others felt it needed to be further vetted. However, we stand united in our belief that to reject the stimulus money would be irresponsible. If our state, our economy, and our children’s education are the basis for your decision Gov. Sanford, then not accepting the stimulus money would not be a consistent position.
For example, instead of being able to purchase needed instructional materials; continuing educational programs that are working for our students; using new dollars to avoid teacher furloughs and lay- offs; South Carolina's share of the federal funds will be sent to other states where they will be able to hire teachers, work more effectively with their students, and maintain lower class sizes. That is not putting our children and our state first. I am not here to make a political statement; I am here to make a common sense statement.
It is the goal of every educator to provide the best possible education for the students and communities that we serve. We understand that there may be political and philosophical differences as it relates to the stimulus funds; however the reality is that the stimulus package was passed. There are certainties that we face on a day-to-day basis, as we deal with the most significant funding decreases on record which outweigh any political or philosophical ideology. It is illogical to ask the citizens of South Carolina to shoulder the burden of paying the taxes for our neighboring state of North Carolina so they may spend our tax monies for their needs and ignoring the needs here in York County and the great state of South Carolina.
South Carolinians are proud of the great strides we are making in our educational systems. Our students continue making educational gains. Our state's accountability system is one of the most rigorous in the country. As a matter of fact, the chairman of the Federal Reserve is a product of our fine education systems! We have many miles to go before we can proudly say that every student in the state will have the education to reach the level of Mr. Bernake. However, if Governor Sanford has his way, the great strides that have been made will be severely handicapped.
If you agree with our concerns, we urge you to contact Governor Mark Sanford today. It is essential that you make the call, encouraging him make a prudent decision that is in the best interest of the citizens and state of South Carolina. His number is 803-734-2100.
Thank you all for your support for public education in South Carolina."
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Rock Hill Schools Expecting 2009-10 Funding to be at 1999 Levels
LOCATION: | Rock Hill High School | ||
5:30 p.m. | |||
April 6, 2009 | |||
| | 5-5:30 | |
| | | |
| WORK SESSION - Media Center | | |
1 | Presentation by Rock Hill High School | Judy Mobley | 30 minutes |
2 | Children's Attention Home Charter School Renewal | Harriet Jaworowski | 15 minutes |
3 | Reassignment Priorities / School Balance | Harriet Jaworowski | 60 minutes |
4 | Funding Flexibility | Elaine Bilton | 5 minutes |
5 | Revenue Projections - 2009-2010 Budget | Bill Mabry | 60 minutes |
6 | Impact Community Church | Bill Mabry | 5 minutes |
Rock Hill Schools News for April 2, 2009
Upcoming Events
®Willy Wonka, Jr.
Presented by: Rawlinson Road Middle School Musical Theatre Department
Directed by: Elise Archie and Brooke Rice
7:00 p.m. April 6 and April 7
Tickets: $5 for adults and $2 for students
®Finley Road Elementary School Art Show
Coordinated by: Vivian McMoore
6:00-8:00 p.m. April 9 in cafeteria
Note: Artwork, matted /framed, will be for sale.
®The Wizard of Oz (non-musical version)
Presented by: Rock Hill High School Theatre Department
Directed by: Stephanie Daniel
7:30 p.m. April 9 and April 10
Tickets: $7 for adults and $5 for students.
Note: Students from RHHS, Northside and Independence will perform.
®A Trip Around the World (song and dance)
Presented by: Finley Road Elementary School
Directed by: Terri Westphal
7:00 p.m. April 23
Location: South Pointe Auditorium
Tickets: Donations will be accepted.
Summer Camps
®Rock Hill High School will host a developmental volleyball camp for girls ages 10-14 from 8:30-noon, June 15-18 at a cost of $100 which includes a t-shirt.
®Northwestern High School will host the "Little Trojan" Football Camp the mornings of June 22-26 from 8:30-noon for $75. Interested parents should contact Coach Jimmy Wallace or Rose Baker at 981-1231.
Congratulations to . . .
®Elise and Will Archie and the Cadet Guard, comprised of students from Rawlinson Road Middle School, Dutchman Creek Middle School, and Castle Heights Middle School, on placing first and being selected as the Cadet Class Champions at the March 28 Carolina Winter Ensemble Assn.'s winterguard competition in the Winthrop Coliseum.
®Marsha Gross and the Northwestern High School Chamber and Masterpiece Chamber orchestras for earning superior ratings at the S. C. Concert Festival.
®Beverly Laney and the South Pointe High School Stallion Corral Concert Choir on receiving a superior rating at the state choral concert on Mar. 27. South Pointe placed 5th in the state in the AAAA category with a score of 200 out of 300 and third in the state for sight-reading. Five of 6 schools in York County placed in the top six in the state, including all high schools in Rock Hill.
®Kim Le and the Rawlinson Road Middle School Eighth Grade Orchestra on earning a superior rating at the S.C. Concert Festival.
®Heather Turner and the South Pointe High School orchestra on its recent performance at the S.C. Music Educators Conference. The orchestra earned a superior rating, and the judges awarded them with a perfect score.
®The Northwestern High School Athletic Dept. is proud to announce a new promotion sponsored by Clinton Family Ford called Drive 4 UR School. For every person who test drives a new Ford/Lincoln/Mercury in the NHS gym parking lot on April 4, the athletic dept. will receive $20 for its programs. Test driving will take place between 10:00 and 5:00.
®Students of Sullivan's Valerie Sims, computer teacher, and Starr Lee, home arts teacher, are collaborating with Winthrop students (in a free enterprise program) to create a small business to market, create jobs, and raise money for a charity selected by Sullivan. Stormy Clark, career specialist, states that Sullivan is having a friendly competition against Rawlinson Road Middle School students and that the Sullivan sale (ice cream) will take place April 8.
®The York County Legislative Forum, with Mike Fanning from the Old English Consortium as speaker, will be held from 5:30-8:00 p.m. April 9 in the Cyber Cafe at the Rock Hill Flexible Learning Center.
®Independence Elementary School raised over $4,100 for the American Heart Assn. through their "Jump Rope for Heart" project
Blog Archive
- An Important Message For Governor Mark Sanford
- The Rock Hill School Board Needs Your Help
- Take that John Stossel! Some good education news!
- Rock Hill Schools Cancel Snow Make-up Day
- Guest Post on National Board Pay
- Rock Hill Schools 2009-10 Budget is Bad. REALLY BAD!
- Rock Hill Schools Teacher of the Year, Bryan Cobur...
- Rock Hill Schools Announces 2009-10 Teachers of th...
- Is Governor Sanford Consistent?
- Rock Hill's Angelina Blackmon Makes All-ACC
- Is Sanford Fit For Office? You Decide
- Rock Hill Schools Information For Thursday, April ...
- School Improvement Councils and York County Educat...
- Open Letter to Governor Mark Sanford
- Sanford: “They’re Not Going To Get That Money”
- Comments on Federal Stimulus
- Rock Hill Schools Expecting 2009-10 Funding to be ...
- Rock Hill Schools News for April 2, 2009
- Senator Mick Mulvaney Backs Governor Sanford
- Michael Lucas, Oconee County School Superintendent...
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- South Carolina High School Sports Network
- South Carolina Labor Information
- South Carolina Information Highway
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- Historical SC Revenue Information
- Free Credit Report
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- Rock Hill School District Foundation
- SC Family Friendly Standards
- SC Laws Concerning Education
- South Carolina School Improvement Council
- District 3 2007 AYP Results
- Safe Routes To School
- Get Any 2000 Census Information
- 2006 District 3 Report Cards
- District Three Jobs Available
- Grants for Education
- Donors Choose School Project Fund Site
- District Three Policies
- Setting Up Effective Group Work - 1/11/2018
- Framing Difficult Feedback for Parents - 1/11/2018
- The Art of Reflection - 12/13/2017
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