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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Northwestern High School Jazz Bands Rate Superior #rockhill

The Northwestern High School Bands have completed the state 2014 Large Ensemble Music Assessments and earned the highest possible rating of superior in every performance.  The events included performances by the Senior Jazz Ensemble, the 9th Grade Band, the Concert Band, and the Symphonic Band.  

The ensembles were evaluated by 5 different adjudicators who evaluated the ensembles’ performances on three prepared selections as well as the students’ sight-reading ability.  In addition, senior, french hornist Kyle Thompson was recognized at the SCBDA All-State Band Concert as the winner of the Phi Beta Mu Music Scholarship Audition.  Phi Beta Mu is a national music fraternity. The scholarship was established to recognize high school music accomplishment of the highest level and to encourage outstanding instrumentalists to study music beyond high school.  Members of Phi Beta Mu from across the state nominated students to audition for the scholarship and the students auditioned for members of the Furman University School of Music faculty.  

Kyle plans to study music at either the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore or Northwestern University in Chicago.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Rock Hill Schools Announce Superintendent Finalist #rockhill #rockhillschools #rhsd3 #rhschoolboard

Rock Hill Schools Superintendent Finalists:
Dr. Richard J. O'Malley

Dr. Richard J. O’Malley currently serves as Superintendent of Schools for Edison Public Schools in Edison, NJ, where he has served since 2011.  Edison Public Schools is the fifth largest school district in New Jersey. He began his career in teaching and prior to his current appointment served as Superintendent for MatawanAberdeen Regional School District in Aberdeen, NJ. Dr. O’Malley received his Ed.D. from Seton Hall University and an Master of Education from Monmouth University.
Dr. Kelly U. Pew

Dr. Kelly U. Pew currently serves as Superintendent for The School District of Pickens County where she has served since 2008.  She began there as Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Instructional Services and was promoted to the role of Superintendent in 2012.  She began her career in teaching and prior to Pickens County, served as a school principal in Oconee County.  Dr. Pew holds a Doctorate of Philosophy, Educational Leadership from Clemson University and a Master of Education from Furman University.
Dr. Thomas G. Schmolze

Dr. Thomas G. Schmolze currently serves as Assistant Superintendent for Administration and Student Services for the Fort Mill School District. In addition to previous positions in Fort Mill, he has also served as a teacher and high school principal in the Clover School District. Dr. Schmolze’s degrees include a Doctor of Education from Nova Southeastern University and a Master of Education from Winthrop University. He  began his teaching career in the Rock Hill School District.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Rock Hill Schools to Announce Superintendent Finalists on Friday #rhschoolboard #rockhill #rockhillschools #rhsd3

A news conference will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, March 14, in the Board Conference Room in the district office (660 N. Anderson Road in Rock Hill). An announcement will be made regarding the finalists for the superintendent's position in Rock Hill Schools.
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rock Hill's Hudak a Finalist for State Teacher of the Year #rhsd3 #rockhill #rockhillschools

The administration of Rock Hill Schools is pleased to announce that Rhonda Hudak, the District's Teacher of the Year, has just been named a finalist for the state honor. She will soon be visited by a crew from the South Carolina Dept. of Education and will later participate in an interview with the State TY Selection Committee. The announcement of the S. C. Teacher of the Year will be announced on April 23 at a banquet in Columbia.
The five finalists listed alphabetically by last name are:
• Jennifer Ainsworth, a high school moderate special needs teacher at Socastee High School, Horry County School District.
• John “Jed” Dearybury, a 2nd grade teacher at Woodland Heights Elementary School, Spartanburg School District 6.
• Rhonda Hudak, a 7th grade English Language Arts teacher at Rawlinson Road Middle School, Rock Hill School District 3.
• Patrick Kelly, a 12th grade Advanced Placement U.S. government and politics teacher at Blythewood High School, Richland School District 2.
• Vivian “Beth” Tuten, a high school special education teacher at Swansea High School, Lexington School District 4.

Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

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