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Friday, October 31, 2014

Rock Hill School District News For Friday, Octobrer 31, 2014 #rhsd3

Members of the Public Safety Flag Football League--the Rock Hilll Police Dept., the Rock Hill Fire Dept., the Chester Co. Sheriff's Dept. and the York County Sheriff's Dept.--will  each play two games in District Three Stadium, beginning at 1:00 pm, and ending with a championship game. Admission will be FREE!

Each department will provide handouts, and police cars and fire trucks will be on display.  There also will be a Bounce House, and concessions will be open.  

Below is information from the schools that you may find interesting:

South Pointe High School
Congratulations to the girls’ golf team which won the 3A state championship.  Hats off to head coach, Kimberly Case.

Lesslie Elementary School
Lesslie Elementary will hold a Fall Festival  November 1, 11 am to 2 pm.

Saluda Trail Middle School
Principal Brenda Campbell has been invited by the S. C. Oversight Committee to attend a conference in Wisconsin on personalized learning.  During the conference Brenda will sit with developers of ACT Aspire and will have input on the new assessment.

Karen Vinson

Boy Scout Eagle Project Needs Workers #rhsd3

Peyton Smith Eagle Project
Help Needed!

Peyton Smith will be completing his Eagle Scout project this Saturday, Nov. 1 and could use your help!

Peyton will meet with volunteers at Central Child Development Center (address below) at 9:00 AMThe project involves building three benches, planting shrubs, bushes, bulbs, spreading mulch and doing beautification to existing plants at the school. The plants that have been chosen will be used to make a sensory garden for developmentally delayed and autistic students at Central.

This project is a great way to get service hours and help students with disabilities.  
If you can help with the project, please contact Peyton at
Central Child Development Center is located at:
414 E. Black Street, Rock Hill, S.C. 29730

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Investing in Technology #iRockrh #rockhill


The Technology Incubator @ Knowledge Park (or TI Center) is hosting an Angel Investing Orientation on Thursday, October 30th at 4 pm.

This free, educational event is open to individuals interested in learning about the process of investing in technology startup companies.  There will be no pitches made, nor opportunities to invest, at this event.

The featured presenter for the Angel Investing Orientation is Matt Dunbar, Managing Director of the Upstate Carolina Angel Network (UCAN) based in Greenville, SC.  Since 2008, when he joined UCAN, the group has invested more than $9 million in 32 companies. Mr. Dunbar is a Rock Hill native who holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Clemson University and both a MBA and Masters in Education from Stanford University.

Purpose of this event is to gather individuals who may be interested in becoming angel investors for technology startups, such as those companies working in the TI Center.  The intent is to generate discussion and cultivate interest in building a funding resource for local and regional entrepreneurs.

Please forward this email to anyone that could be interested in the Angel Investing Orientation. If you are interested and cannot make the orientation, please fill out our form at .
157 E. Main Street, Suite 500 in Old Town Rock Hill

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rock Hill Volleyball Teams Make State Playoffs #rockhill #rhsd3 #spway #trojannation #gorhbearcats

Northwestern High School's Dubree Hart is a Finalist #trojannation #rockhill

WSOC-TV has a contest each year for the “community” to vote for the best football player in the BIG 22.  Dupree Hart, from Northwestern and in the center top row photo, is one of five finalists. The school of the winner is awarded $10,000. 

2014 Big 22 5 finalists announced     

Please go to the website below as many times as possible between now and November 3rd and vote for Dupree, a former student at Sunset Park Elementary and Dutchman Creek Middle School.

·         Voters must register. Once a voter registers, it will take less than two minutes to vote each day. 
·         Click on the Big 22 logo and then under Dupree’s picture, click the button and hit save vote.  
·         Voters may cast nine votes per day per email address. 
·         Voting closes on Monday, November 3rd

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Vote Dupree Hart Player of the Year #rockhill

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Northwestern Athletic Booster Golf Tournament #trojannation

The 5th annual Northwestern baseball team golf tournament is going to be held at Pinetuck on Tuesday, October 14.  We are currently seeking hole sponsors and teams that would be interested in playing in the tournament.   Forms can be submitted to the athletic department or you can contact Craig Shipman by calling 803-517-5502 to have your form picked up or to ask any questions that you might have.  Hole sponsor forms must be submitted by October 12.  Teams can be accepted up to tee time on October 14
Hole Sponsors will have their family or business name displayed  for $100.
For $400, teams of four will receive lunch and dinner, as well as an appreciation bag and a round of golf in which they will compete for over $900 in prizes. 
The event is always a lot of fun and the money raised will be used to help get the baseball field in shape for the upcoming season.

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