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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rock Hill School News For December 17, 2014 #rhsd3

Congratulations to . . .
  • Cindy Koon, English teacher and newspaper advisor at South Pointe High School, whose print newspaper (SPiN, on twitter) students recently earned three first-place and two third-place awards (out of 10 categories) in the state-wide fall competition sponsored by the S. C. Scholastic Press Association.  
  • Alice Hinton, in Facilities Services Work Control, who has been invited by Schooldude to assist the Product Management Team with new Schooldude designs for the Maintenance Direct System.
  • Rock Hill High’s mascot, Rocky the Bearcat, who has been invited to perform in pre-game festivities at the 2015 Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl in Orlando on January 1Jacob Strickland, who’s Rocky, is a senior who earned All-American status through the Universal Cheerleaders Assn. summer camp in Auburn, Alabama, this past July. He is also the son of Rebecca (Becky) Strickland, instructional coach at Castle Heights.

 Breakfast with Santa
The PTO at Sunset Park Elementary School will host “Breakfast with Santa” this Saturday, Dec. 20, between 8:00-10:00 at Fatz Café on Herlong Avenue. The cost will be $7/adults and $4/child. There’s a rumor that Santa may bring Mrs. Claus this year, so this would also be a great photo opportunity!  

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Rock Hill School District News for December 10, 2014 #rhsd3

Holiday Greetings from the ATC
The ATC wants to share holiday greetings, especially since the beautiful card was designed by one of its students, Cashton Christensen. Christopher Valk’s Digital Art and Design 1 students competed to create a card to represent ATC. About 90 entries were voted on by students and staff, and Cashton’s design was chosen as the winner.

National Recognition for Energy Management
Rock Hill Schools has received notification from Energy Star that it’s in a select group of school districts across the country for having five schools certified as Energy Star schools in one year (Actually, we had six—4 elementary schools and two middle.) Of 27 schools in the district, 19 are certified as Energy Star Schools, and the District Office has the Energy Star designation. Our district attributes such success to the awareness of its employees and students to the importance of energy conservation. However, special tribute goes to Kim Melander (Energy & Systems Mgr.),Brian Vaughan (Director of Facilities Services), Bryan Gordon (building automation) and each school’s energy team.

Holiday Performances
  • Northside Elementary School – Second-graders will perform “Jingle Bell Jukebox” at 9:30 a.m. Dec. 12 in the sanctuary at Eastside Baptist Church. Third-graders will perform “Dig It: The Musical” at 7:00 p.m. Dec. 18 in the Saluda Trail Auditorium. Performances will be directed by Kelly Passmore.
  • Saluda Trail Middle School – Choruses, directed by Pamella Johnson, will present their winter concert at 7:00 p.m. Dec. 11 in the school auditorium.  

Bearcats Christmas Project
Hats off to Anita Benfield, registrar at Rock Hill High. For the eighth year, Anita has coordinated the Bearcats Christmas Project which, this year, has raised $1,800. Faculty members donate items for a silent auction. The money raised goes to buy Christmas gifts for RHH’s needy students and younger siblings. For the past two years, Teacher Cadets have volunteered after school to shop and wrap presents because of the volume of gifts.  

Championship Gear

The South Pointe Stallions, the new 3A State Champion Football Team, has lots of championship gear for sale. To place an order, contact Coach Gerald Peake at  

Upcoming Community Events
  • The City of Rock Hill Community Relations Council will host the 12th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Interfaith Prayer Breakfast from 7:30-9:00 at First Baptist Church (off Dave Lyle Blvd). on Monday, January 19. Carl L. Solomon, of the Columbia Solomon Law Group, will be the keynote speaker. Tickets, at $15, are available at City Hall, 155 Johnston Street.
  • The 19th Annual Rock Hill Police Charity Ball, the proceeds of which support the summer Worthy Boys and Girls Camps, will be held on February 7 at Events at Manchester. The cost will be $75/person for this semi-formal event, and entertainment will be provided by “Peace and Love.” For more information or tickets, call 803.329-7285 or 803.329-5583.

District Partner in the “Spotlight”
The administration of Rock Hill Schools would like to say “Thank You” to the following employees from PPG Industries in Chester who have requested 2014 grants from the PPG Industries Foundation for our schools:
=Christopher McKee - $1,000 for Castle Heights Middle School
=Peggy Dunn, Bennix Currence, Tammy Davis – $4,000 for Lesslie Elementary
=Christopher McKee - $1,000 for Mount Gallant Elementary
=Gerald Moore - $1,000 for Mount Holly Elementary
=Jens Schoenfuss - $1,000 for Northside Elementary School of the Arts
=James McManus - $1,965 for Oakdale Elementary School
=Bennix Currence - $1,000 for Old Pointe Elementary School
=Joshua Perkins - $1,000 for Rosewood Elementary School
=Amanda Adams, Karen Bailey, Jens Schoenfuss, Alan Toney - $3,995 for Saluda Trail Middle School

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