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Friday, April 24, 2015

Last Chance for Education and Business Workforce Development Summit #rockhill

For more information: 981-7702S

Table Discussion:

  1. Low-skilled, routine jobs in our community will continue to be eliminated due to technology advances and an increased emphasis by industry on high-skilled jobs. How can we make technical careers, including those in manufacturing, more interesting and attractive to students/parents?
  2. Business and industry often says students coming out of high school are not prepared for the workforce. Exactly how are they are not prepared? What are your specific expectations as far as skill sets and thinking capacities for our graduates to have?
  3. Academic remediation, for example: reading levels, math skills, comprehension and retention of relevant information, writing and communication, are problem areas for many youth and adults seeking post-secondary education opportunities. How does the need for postsecondary remediation impact higher skill attainment? How do you suggest we improve these levels?
  4. Refer to "Profile of the SC Graduate" on your table. How can education and business partner to help our students gain these skills? Are there innovative ideas we should employ?

Businesses:   Please let us know what your business will do (be specific) to impact our future workforce. 

Science Bowl Games on Comporium Cable Channel 114 #rhsd3

Below is the schedule for the next Science Bowl games, April 26 - May 2, on Cable 114, the Education Access Channel. Please share with your students and parents.

Game 9 – Sunset Park vs. The Children’s School
Sunday, April 26th – 6:00pm
Monday, April 27th – 7:00pm
Wednesday, April 29th – 4:30pm

Game 10 – Independence vs. Mt. Holly
Sunday, April 26th – 6:28pm
Monday, April 27th – 7:28pm
Wednesday, April 29th –  4:58pm

Game 11 – Ebinport vs. Rosewood
Sunday, April 26th – 6:58pm
Monday, April 27th – 7:28pm
Wednesday, April 29th – 5:28pm

Game 12 – Mt, Gallant vs. Old Pointe
Sunday, April 26th – 7:29pm
Monday, April 27th – 8:30pm
Wednesday, April 29th – 6:00pm

Friday, April 17, 2015

Rock Hill Elementary Schools in Science Bowl #rhsd3

Below is the broadcast schedule on Comporium Cable 114 for the Science Bowl games the week of April 19th-25th  2015. 

Game 5 – York Road vs. Rosewood
Sunday, April 19th – 6:00pm
Tuesday, April 21th – 7:00pm
Thursday April 23rd – 7:00pm

Game 6 – Old Pointe vs. India Hook
Sunday, April 19th – 6:31pm
Tuesday, April 21th – 7:31pm
Thursday April 23rd – 7:31 pm

Game 7 – Oakdale vs. Finley Road
Sunday, April 19th – 7:01pm
Tuesday, April 21th – 8:02pm
Thursday April 23rd – 8:02pm

Game 8 – Finley Road vs. Mt Gallant
Sunday, April 19th – 7:34pm
Tuesday, April 21t h8:35pm
Thursday April 23rd –8:35pm

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Rock Hill Schools Bond Referendum Kick-Off This Thursday! #rhsd3 #rockhill

The Rock Hill School Bond Referendum Campaign Kick-Off will be held at Fountain Park (downtown), at 10 am on Thursday, April 9, 2015. Rain site will be the Art Center.

Click here to go to the campaign web site. There is a link to sign up to receive campaign notices. 

You can see a calendar for future events online.
Click here to see a calendar of referendum presentations. If your school is having a School Improvement Committee meeting, try to attend to learn more about the referendum and to show support for the referendum.

Be sure to mark Tuesday, May 5, 2015 on your calendar and encourage everyone to go vote. 

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