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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 10 Work Session Notes

Rosewood gave a presentation on their IB PYP program. They showed academic
success information, talked about how they teach diversity, and about how
their foreign language program is producing academic results and making
their students more aware of the world. The process of going to PYP was
started in 1999 and became fully implemented in 2003. The District will be
considering making this a Choice School with the 2009-2010 school year.

The Board held a short executive session for legal and personnel matters
with no action taken after the session.

The administration decided not to discuss their choice policy which had been
given to the board last week. After further review, they felt it needed
much more work and suggested a committee be formed to bring back a policy
for the board. They believe an August time frame is likely. In their
original proposal, they suggested the following schools be schools of choice
for the 2009-2010 school year; Sylvia Circle (Montessori); Sunset Park
(Accelerated Studies); Northside (Arts); Rosewood (IB PYP); Sullivan Middle
School and Saluda Trail Middle School (IB Middle Years). Jim Vining will be
the board representative on the committee.

The board heard a presentation on the parent meetings (held last week) for
Sunset Park and an update on their progress toward an Accelerated School.
The board then went into a business session and passed by a 7-0 vote to
recommend the administration officially move toward an accelerated studies
curriculum and for the 2008-09 school year, Sunset Park will be a school of
choice (as it has been the last 4 years). The new choice policy will be in
effect before the 2009-2010 school year. The board then voted 7-0 to change
the Sunset Park Calendar back to the traditional school year calendar. All
Sunset Park teachers who gain Gifted and Talented Certification will be
allowed to stay at the school. There will be a summer enrichment program as

The Administration recommended the board approve at the March business
session the use of South Pointe High School for the World Changers Group.
This would require a discount of fees that are normally charged. Over the
last 12 years, World Changers has brought over 3500 students to the Rock
Hill Area for mission work. It was suggested the administration handle this
request the same as past years.

Bob Mabry gave an update on impact of Act 388 (sales tax replacing property
tax for school operations). They estimate the Rock Hill School District will
lose the ability to fund programs (as was done in the past) at the same
level as in the past. Over the next three years this would be about a 6
million dollar shortfall. Walter Brown is preparing a resolution for the
board's March business session. This resolution will focus on act 388's
shortfall in regards to fast growing districts (such as those in York
County). It was suggested that the board solicit support for these changes
from our local legislative delegation and that we include anyone running for
the office (all seats are up in this election and 3 are being vacated by the
existing legislators). Chairman Norwood preached that the administration
shouldn't be thinking about 6 mil increases because our business community
would not stand for it. It was pointed out that the tax burden on York
County businesses is already higher than those across the state line in
North Carolina.

Bob Norwood and Ann Reid gave an update on the recent Focus Group Discussion
held at Rawlinson Road Baptist Church. Future sessions will be held at West
End Baptist and Freedom Temple Ministries.

The administration handed out information for the Saturday Board retreat (at
the District Office). They would like the board to resolve the following
issues during the retreat; Philosophic or Program capacity at the schools
(for example - should high schools be kept to a maximum of 1800 students
because of the program or 2400 students because that is what the buildings
can support); should the 4th high school be; traditional on the north side
of town; downtown school of choice; early college school in partnership with
York Tech.

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