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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rock Hill Schools Information For December 16

By Elaine Baker

Sullivan to Hold Cares Concert
Sullivan Middle School will hold its First Annual Sullivan Cares Concert at 2:30 Friday, Dec. 19, in the auditorium. The concert will feature the performing arts (dance, chorus and strings) while raising money for local charities. Michael Waiksnis, principal, comments: "As an International Baccalaureate school, we place an emphasis on developing the whole child and giving back to the community. Our recent fundraising events gave our students real world experience in giving back to those in need."

Local Clubs Need Support
The Boys & Girls Clubs of York County provide a safe haven 240 days each year for today’s youth, ages 6-18, where after-school and summer camp programs are led by caring, professional staff.  Weekly fees range from $10-$30 for after-school programs. By keeping program costs affordable, the clubs must rely on the generosity of others. 

      Donations can be made in honor or in memory of loved one.

Holiday Performances

Students at Northside Elementary School of the Arts will perform several times this week.
Fourth and fifth grade students will present "Strings the Thing" at 6:30 p.m., Dec. 16, in the school cafeteria. Then, at 7:00 p.m. Dec. 18, fourth-graders will present Santa's Rockin' Christmas Eve in the Rock Hill High Auditorium. The students will integrate dance, drama, music, and art in their first full-length musical. The schools performing group, the Arts Explorers, will perform at the Galleria Mall at 11:00 a.m. Friday, Dec. 19. They performed at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Sept. and at ChristmasVille on Dec. 7.

Other school performances this week include:

Tuesday, December 16

¡Castle Heights Choral and Drama Depts.

    "Lights, Camera, Christmas" / 7:00 p.m.

¡Rawlinson Road Orchestra / 7:30 p.m.

¡RHH Choral Dept. & Visual Arts Show / 8:00 p.m.

¡Sullivan Orchestra / 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 18

¡Dutchman Creek Band /  7:00 p.m.

¡Rawlinson Road Band / 7:00 p.m.

¡Ebinport Kindergarten  / 9:30 a.m.

¡Northwestern Orchestras  / 7:30 p.m.

Friday, December 19

¡Finley Road School Sing Along  / 1:30 p.m.

Fundraiser for Belleview Teacher Big Success
The Dec.15 fundraiser at Durango Bagel to benefit the family of Belleview reading recovery teacher, Elicia Miller, generated close to $5,000 according to Polly Wingate, an organizer. The money  will help offset medical expenses for Elicia's son, Hudson, who was born in late October and diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.


¡Chick-Fil-A on Cherry Road will hold "Stallion Night" on Dec. 17 with Coach Bobby Carroll and his championship football  team as guests. Chick-Fil-A will donate 10% of sales between 5:00-8:00 toward the purchase of rings for the team.

¡The NHS Jazz Band, directed by Mark Yost, will participate in Muzak's 75th anniversary celebration in February. The band will perform at corporate headquarters in Fort Mill, which will be streamed on the web to their offices throughout the country.

¡The Junior Civitans at Sullivan led students and staff in collecting over 3200 cans of food and $2500 for the Salvation Army to benefit needy families in the Rock Hill area.

¡The official S.C. "Ornaments of Hope," which were for sale last week, have been sold, but there are still five prints left at  a reduced price. If interested, contact Kathy Stanley at 981-1378.

¡At 10:30 today (Dec. 16), Henry McMaster, S.C.  Attorney General, will present a check for $35,000 to the Early Learning Partnership of York County to pay for prescriptions for the Family Resource Center's Medical Clinic. The money, which has become available as part of a court settlement, will be presented at the location for ParentSmart, 410 E. Black Street.

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