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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Results of the Rock Hill School Board Retreat on Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Board took action on the following items:

Voted 7-0 to approve a contract to upgrade HVAC controls at Saluda Trail Middle School in the amount of $18,610.

Voted 7-0 to replace and upgrade the boiler at Rock Hill High School in the amount of $258,350.

Took no action on a roofing bid for Finley Road in the amount of $282,100.

The board received updated information on free and reduced lunch and race. Free and reduced lunch numbers are up this year. Four schools are at the +/- limit of 15% from the district average (54%). One less than the number of schools last year. Race numbers for the district were presented as follows; white 54%; African American 35%; Hispanic 6%; Asian 2%; American Indian 2%; white African American 1%; all others (white Asian, white Indian, African American Indian, Pacific Islander) <1%.

The administration took suggestions from the board on how to revise their proposed policy on populating schools. A possible wording is listed below:


Reassignment of Students

Code JCR Issued DRAFT8/09

Purpose: To establish the basic structure to reassign students to schools.

In order to provide equal access to quality educational opportunities for all students, the Board is committed to providing necessary and adequate resources, to include materials, technology, and personnel, to all district schools. School assignments are made to maximize use of school facilities and support diverse populations. Students are assigned to schools within the attendance zone of their residence. The Board believes in the philosophic goal of maintaining meaningful diversity within the school system. Triggers will be; building capacity; the number of students receiving free and/or reduced lunch supplement; student performance on state achievement tests and; student proximity to the school. Parents should not expect that their school of initial enrollment will be their child's school for all of the elementary, middle, or high school years, as attendance zones are subject to change. Should reassignment occur, the Board does make a commitment to students and parents to:

• make every reasonable and practical effort to avoid reassignment of children

• begin the reassignment process in the fall of the year preceding implementation of a new reassignment plan

Prior to the start of the school year, the superintendent shall prepare an annual report, to review school population in individual schools to include the percentage of students receiving free and/or reduced lunch supplement, state test scores, and student distribution. In addition, the administration will review student distribution data to ensure that no school is in racial isolation.

Attendance areas are available from the Planning Department and can be viewed on the district Web-site at:

Legal references:
A. S. C. Code, 1976, as amended:

1.Section 59-19-90(9) - Board can determine school for pupil to attend.

Civil Action - cite case

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