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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Northside Elementary School is Rock Hill's Third School of Choice

The Northside Elementary School of the Arts became Rock Hill's Third School Of Choice on Monday night when the Board voted 6-0 (Silverman absent) to allow children to apply for admission to the school in the 2010-11 school year. Students, parents, and staff made the presentation before the board and asked that the school be allowed to make their unique education process available to others in the community. More information will be released in January. The rare work session vote came about because there is not a business meeting in December.

The Board also voted 6-0 to approve an overnight field trip request for the South Pointe High School band so they could begin fund raising. There was some discussion concerning how the administration determined which trips would be recommended for approval. Details are on the district's web site (and at the end of this document). It was mentioned that a lot of trips that had been approved in the past would not be approved today (such as band trips to Hawaii and London). A committee will be formed to evaluate the process for student trips. Most likely overnight trips for elementary school students will be banned and middle school overnight trips limited to one overnight (wonder what the committee will do?).

The district recommended no changes to the employee benefit package. Several vendors have contacted board members about ways to save money (employees and district). Board policy states that only vendors approved by the board can be used and the administration is not interested in recommending any changes. Arguments were; employees were happy with what they already have; changes would require more district resources to implement (when resources are being reduced); third party's abuse teacher and staff time during the school day and; forming a team of district employees to review options available would be a waste of resources. The board was split on this issue - no changes will be made.

A presentation was made on a recent energy grant that was won by the district. Seems that in collecting data for the grant, the billing error with the city was discovered, resulting in an automatic savings for the district.

A presentation was made on South Carolina's application for the "Race to the Top" stimulus money.

Next years school calendar is going back to drawing board after receiving next year's testing dates. The only change will probably be when spring break is taken.

The timeline for reassignment was discussed. The public hearing will be at 6:00 PM on January 11, 2010 at Oakdale Elementary School (right before the January work session).

The January 25, 2010 business meeting will begin one hour later at 7:00 pm to accommodate Jim Vining's work schedule that week.

Mildred Douglas and Ann Reid gave a report on the South Carolina School Board Association delegate meeting last weekend.


Student Field Trips

  1. Student trips are to be aligned with the curriculum and state standards.
  1. Whenever possible, student trips should utilize local resources, i.e., Carrowinds, Charlotte, Columbia, City of Rock Hill, Winthrop, York Technical College, Clinton Jr. College
  1. Fundraising for student out of state or overnight trips should not occur unless the trip has been approved in advance.
  1. Overnight field trips must be approved by the Superintendent prior to fundraising or booking the trip.
  1. Out of state field trips must be approved by the School Board prior to fundraising or booking the trip.

Field Trip Guidelines

Prior to arranging for a field trip, review the trip planning guidelines.

  1. Secure approval and submit rationale prior to organizing the field trip
  2. The teacher can identify rationale for the trip, objectives and plan of evaluation for the field trip
  3. Identify how trip relates to curriculum and timing on curriculum map
  4. Prepare follow-up activities
  5. Link trip to multiple curricular areas


Fine Arts

Travel will be limited to regional and state competitions, SCMEA events, and

festival competitions.

SCMEA state conference

Fundraising for invitational events or festivals should not take place unless the

trip has been approved

Band and choral departments are encouraged to host competitions in Rock Hill


Travel for High School League sponsored competitions, rules meetings,

alignment voting workshops

Participation for Invitational/Tournament events only when a student(s) have

qualified for the event

Fundraising for Invitational/Tournaments (overnight or out of state) should not

occur unless the trip has been approved

Athletic departments are encouraged to host competitions in Rock Hill

Every effort should be made to host clinics, camps, and trainings on campus

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