Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Every Public Educator Must Go To This Site - And Join The Discussion

The "Stretch Your Dollar" blog site has a post today that everyone who values public education should go to.  You will find a collection of education documentary trailers which have come out or are about to come out. You can access the post by clicking here.

If you are like me, you'll be incensed because what is being portrayed as public schools is misleading.  But, it is our own fault. We blame the media when the good news doesn't get out - when we have the means to communicate our message around the world. We should be taking a stand to weed out examples that are given in the films - but we are seen as being against accountability and in favor of entitlement.

And this isn't just a school administration issue. What are PTO's doing? They have access to the world as well.

Education is the biggest funding item in the state budget - and tea party folks don't want to pay taxes. With less than 30% of registered voters having any connection with public schools - image and PR are important - and are driving funding decisions.

Go to the site and join the discussion. Your community depends on it. Your country depends on it.

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