Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rock Hill Schools To Vote On More Choice Schools @ November Business Meeting

The Rock Hill School Board heard a presentation at the November work session about creating two new elementary schools of choice and two new middle school's of choice. All the schools currently have programs in place that are not offered at the other district schools and have building capacity to take on more students. The board will vote on this recommendation at the November Business meeting in two weeks.

The board also heard:
  • a presentation from the Rock Hill High School Air Force JROTC
  • a report on how the district will start advertising on service vehicles by utlizing the same company that does this in Gaston County (NC). It is hoped enough revenue will be generated to pay for a teaching position. The board will discuss a policy revision to be sure policy will be consistent with practice.
  • a report on selling surplus equipment online utilizing GovDeals. http://www.govdeals.com
  • a report on revisions to policy IKD & IKE
  • a report on 4 new course offerings for the 2011-12 year.
  • a discussion of a need for a board retreat to improve board teamwork and budget discussion
A discussion came up on possible changes to the districts grading policy. There are a lot of rumors going around and the board wanted to know what the timeline was and what was going on from the district level. The administration promised to devote most of the December work session to what they have been working on.

One of the rumors going around is that the high schools will now require all their teachers to allow for retesting if a student doesn't do well, or just wants to improve their grade. I wonder if there is a lesson in the video below about this:

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