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Friday, February 18, 2011

Find Out About SC House Bill 3241

Rock Hill School,s Grassroots coordinator, Walter Brown, reports on how one bill will affect the Rock Hill Schools:

Bill 3241, Charter Schools, having received a favorable report from the majority in committee, is now on the House Calendar for debate. Debate on the bill has been adjourned until Wednesday, February 23rd. There has not been a vote on second reading of this bill. Members of the York County Delegation that have their names on the bill as sponsor or co-sponsor are; Deborah Long, Dennis Moss, Gary Simrill, and Ralph Norman.

The economic impact on Rock Hill School District is projected to be $1.6m or 26 teaching positions. I have spoken with Greg Delleney and he said that there will probably be amendments introduced to correct at least some of the funding issues.

It is not too late to contact the four mentioned above if you are concerned about the impact this bill will have on the schools of not only District 3 but the entire state.

Walter Brown

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