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Thursday, August 4, 2011

School Choice Topic of Aug. 8 Rock Hill School Board Meeting

The Rock Hill School Board will hold it's second work session of August on Monday. There are several big items on the agenda. In addition to the future for school choice in Rock Hill, there will be a discussion on technology, facilities master planning (including capital expenditures) and Partisan Elections. The agenda is below:

District Office

START: 5:30 p.m.

DATE: August 8, 2011

1 Consent Agenda - Personnel Beckye Partlow 5 minutes
2 Request for Use of Facilities Brian Vaughan 10 minutes
3 School Choice Strategic Direction Luanne Kokolis 60 minutes
4 Facilities Master Plan Cox / Kokolis 30 minutes
5 Technology Plan Whitesides / Kokolis 15 minutes
6 Capital Plan Cox / Vaughan 15 minutes
7 MOU - Ebinport Road Project Tony Cox 10 minutes
8 Bond Resolution Elaine Bilton 15 minutes
9 Letter to SCSBA Bob Norwood 5 minutes
10 Resolution to Oppose Partisan Elections Walter Brown 5 minutes
11 New Board Orientation Update Moe / Sharp 10 minutes

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