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Monday, September 17, 2012

Vollmer To Speak Live on Tuesday Night

From Steve Haradon's Blog:

Tuesday - Jamie Vollmer on "Schools Cannot Do It Alone"

Join me Tuesday, September 18th, for a live and interactive FutureofEducation.comwebinar with Jamie Vollmer, author of Schools Cannot Do It Alone: Building public Support for America's Public Schools. Jamie "has spent the last twenty years working with school districts, education associations, foundations, and chambers of commerce across the nation to halt the erosion of public trust and build support for America’s public schools. His primary goal is to help educators and their allies remove the obstacles to progress and create schools that unfold the full potential of every child." His full biography can be found here.

Date: Tuesday, September 18th, 2012
Time:  8pm Eastern
Duration: 1 hour
Location: In Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate). Log in at The Blackboard Collaborate room will be open up to 30 minutes before the event if you want to come in early. To make sure that your computer is configured for Blackboard Collaborate, please visit the support and configuration page.
Recordings: The full Blackboard Collaborate recording and a portable .mp3 recording will be available soon after the show at
Mightybell Space: Resources, videos, links, and conversation about the interview can be found here.

From the website: Based on his twenty years of working with school districts across the country, Jamie Vollmer argues that we are at a pivotal point in our history. Public education is under attack as never before. Bashing public schools has become a blood sport—a  dangerous game in which sensational headlines publicize half-truths, statistics are used out of context, and test results are reported in the worst possible light. We are witnessing a campaign to annihilate the emotional and intellectual ties that bind the American people to their public schools. And it’s working. 

"Schools Cannot Do It Alone confronts the threats to public education, and presents a practical, doable plan to increase student success. Vollmer’s community-based program, called 'The Great Conversation,' provides step-by-step instructions to tackle the major obstacles to school improvement...

"From the first words of the Introduction, to the final chapter’s inspirational message of hope, Vollmer praises the people who work inside our schools. In clear, compelling terms, he offers, he offers a plan to help them gain the public support they need to prepare all children to succeed in the knowledge age. He argues with passion that America’s teachers and administrators are ready and able to meet the challenges of our time, but they cannot do it alone."

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