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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rock Hill School District Foundation Awards Grants #rockhill #rockhillschools

Rock Hill, SC - The Rock Hill School District Foundation has awarded 3 grants for the January 2013 funding cycle to the teachers listed below. Since 1983 the Rock Hill School District Foundation has partnered with the Rock Hill School District to promote excellence in the classroom through teacher grants. Grants are an investment in educator leadership and the development of unique approaches to ensure student success.To learn more about past grant recipients, how to apply for a grant or how to contribute to the Foundation visit

Martha Compton - Finley Road: Touching Technology: The purpose of this project is to provide a touchscreen computer for students' use with educational software targeting reading, math, and language skills. These elementary students with disabilities will benefit from this program approach through presentation of information and content in different ways. The will also help differentiate the ways that students can express what they know and stimulate interest and motivation for learning.

Becky Sanderson, Michael Skellette, Kimberly Le - York Road, Rawlinson Road:
The Orchestra Comes to Us!: York Road Elementary 4th and 5th grade students and RRMS band, orchestra, and chorus students will attend a performance of a quality professional orchestral ensemble in the RRMS auditorium. In preparation for this event, students will be able to identify orchestral instruments by sight and sound, recognize classical music selections that will be played during the program, become familiar with the composers of those selections, and demonstrate appropriate concert behavior. This project impacts at least 439 students with options for other schools to attend as well. This project funds appropriate iTunes downloads and iPad apps as well as the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra. The grant committee applauds the collaboration between schools in planning for this special event for students.

Melinda Reid - Ebinport: M & M's - Mastering Math in Stations: The goal of this project is to improve the math skills in an Ebinport second grade classroom. It will involve students working with hands-on materials at six workstations during Math Workshop. In these stations, students are able to observe, model, support, and learn from one another. The math stations will enable students to be responsible and independent as they improve personal math skills. The stations address skills in understanding money, time, measurement, addition, subtraction and multiplication.

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