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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Congrats to Dr. Jeff Venables #rockhill #rockhillschools

South Carolina will find out Wednesday night who the 2013 teacher of the year will be. We will be pulling for Rock Hill's representative, Dr. Jeff Venables, a chemistry teacher at Northwestern High School. Jeff is the 4th Rock Hill Teacher to become a state finalist in the past 5 years and the third from Northwestern. Just another example of the high teaching standards in our school district.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rock Hill School District News For April 24 #rockhill #rockhillschools

Administrative Professional’s Day
Rock Hill Schools is proud to salute its many staff members who work in offices throughout the district answering telephones, greeting guests, helping students, and keeping administrators sane by keeping offices up and running efficiently. 
Noteworthy Dates
  • April 25 & 26 – “The Little Mermaid, Jr.” by Mount Holly’s 4th and 5th graders and directed by Kim Sloan, 7 pm, Castle Heights Middle School Auditorium, $5
  • April 26 – “The Elements of Leadership” conference for middle schools’ student councils, 4:30-6:30 pm, Saluda Trail Middle School, organized by teacher Julisa White
  • April 26 – Bingo & Silent Auction, Lesslie Elementary, 5:30-9:00 pm 

  • April 28 – Celebration of new office area at Lesslie Elementary, 2:00-4:00 pm
  • May 1-3 and 6-7 – Teacher Appreciation Days
  • May 5 – Spring Concert by Elementary Honors Choir, 3 pm, sanctuary of Oakland Baptist Church, free. Becky Sanderson (York Road Elementary) serves as director, and Gwen Colter (Independence Elementary) serves as associate director and accompanist. Ms. Sanderson will be retiring at the end of the year making this her last Honors Choir Concert.
  • May 8 – National Nurses Day (Some listings specify May 6 while others list May 8; the district has chosen May 8.)
  • May 20-24 – Bus Driver Appreciation Days
  • Summer 2013 – Winthrop “Improve” Basketball Camps with Coach Pat Kelsey 
TY Finalists Featured on ETV
“In Our Schools,” a series of TV programs produced by the S.C. Dept. of Education and ETV that focuses on positive educational initiatives in public schools, will feature the five finalists for the S.C. Teacher of the Year on Sunday, April 28, at 1 pm on SCETV. One of the finalists is Jeff Venables, a chemistry teacher at Northwestern and RHS Teacher of the Year. The S.C. Teacher of the Year will be announced at a banquet in Columbia on May 1, and the celebration will be aired at 1:30 pm May 12 on the same ETV channel(s).
Congratulations to . . .
  • the Bel Canto choir from Dutchman Creek Middle School on earning superior ratings in performance and sight singing at the April 18-19 State Choral Festival in Columbia and placing  third in the state in the treble division of the competition. Jeri McGuffin is the proud director. 
  • Old Pointe Elementary School on turning 10 years old. The school celebrated its birthday on April 19 with birthday cake for students and all guests which included the 14 original staff members.
  • the district’s top energy-saving schools—Oakdale Elem., Castle Heights Middle, Rawlinson Road Middle and South Pointe High.
  • Old Pointe Elementary on receiving a $1,000 grant from the Wal-Mart Foundation to support the iRock initiative.  The grant application was successfully written by Principal Tanya Campbell.
Computer Basics Class
Rock Hill Schools Adult and Community Education will offer a Computer Basics Class five evenings in May, beginning May 9 at the Adult Education Center (Flexible Learning Center). The cost will be $50, and those interested should call 803.981-1375 and reserve a seat.
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

TEA Fellows, Winthrop University and Northwestern High School #winthrop #rockhill #rockhillschools

The video has a segment on Northwestern High School Math Teacher, Traci Ayer.

The video is another outstanding production from: Shawn Cetrone

Winthrop University
Office of University Relations
Tillman Hall, Suite 200

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Frog Hoppin' Fun Day #comeseeme #rockhill #rockhillschools #elpofyorkcounty

Teresa Creech, Executive Director for ELP of York County, reads a book.

We had a Frog Hoppin’ Fun day at ParentSmart today. Over 100 visitors hopped over to participate in all of the activities including arts and crafts, face painting, more. Children also had the opportunity to receive free dental screenings by the Colgate Van while families visited Safe Kids to ensure proper installation of their car seats. Dr. Moody and Mr. Vining from Rock Hill Schools, Mrs. Teresa Creech from the Early Learning Partnership of York County and LauraBree Monday from CN2 joined us to share a few of their favorite froggy fun books. Thank you to all of our wonderful partners and the staff at ParentSmart for making this such a wonderful event.
Cindy Hunt, Coordinator
Rock Hill Schools
ParentSmart-Parent Education Partnership/
Rock Hill Family Resource Center
410 East Black Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730-5342
Dr. Lynn Moody, Superintendent of Rock Hill Schools, Reads a book
Car Seat Safety Check

CN2's LauraBree reads a book

Colgate Dental Screening
Rock Hill School Board and ELP of York County Board member Jim Vining reads a book.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rock Hill Schools News For Wednesday, April 17, 2013 #rockhill #rockhillschools

April 18 Come-See-Me Events
  • “Broadway Night” – 6:30 in Sullivan Middle School Auditorium featuring the Rosewood Elementary Chorus, GreenLee Smith (Old Pointe Elementary), Kelsi White (Children’s School), Clay Smith (DCMS), Scarlett Black (STMS), Payton Altman (RRMS),Breanna Johansen (NHS), Justin Norwood (SPHS), Arielle Black (SPHS), Logan Cosper (RHHS), Inga Carey (Rosewood) and Wanda Canty (CHMS).  Since this is the 50th CSM Festival, all music performed (including pop, rock and roll, and country) will be from 1962. Dress in 60’s attire and bring a nutritious food item for Back the Pack.
  • “Rock & Read” – 6:30-7:30 at Oakland Baptist Church. This is a new CSM event, coordinated by York County Early Learning Partnership and Queen City Danceout! There will be drawings for prizes. 
Noteworthy Dates
nApril 22 – School Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m. in District Office
nApril 24 – Administrative Professional’s Day
nMay 1-3 and 6-7 – Teacher Appreciation Days
nMay 20-24 – Bus Driver Appreciation Days
"My School Rocks" Competitor
The RHHS Chorus, directed by Jonathan Hall, will perform live on WTVI's “My School Rocks” program at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, April 20, to compete for a $5,000 prize. Please support RHHS by viewing the performance and making a contribution to WTVI for RHHS. A donation may also be made online:
Congratulations to . . .
  • Risë Strickland, an English teacher at Rock Hill High, who’s had an article published in the Winter 2012/Spring 2013 edition of Reading Matters. Dr. Strickland’s article is titled “Secondary English Language Learners’ Views on the Effectiveness of Instructional Strategies: A Phenomenological Study.” It can be viewed on the Reading Matters website or at
  • Dutchman Creek Middle School on its selection as a Winthrop University NetScope partnership school. Dutchman Creek will now be able to host student interns, as well as benefit from the many professional development opportunities Winthrop has to offer. 

School Fundraisers
  • Rock Hill High – During the week of April 29-May 3, school clubs will compete to raise money and awareness for as part of a national bake sale drive. Cupcakes will be sold from noon-2:00 p.m. daily, but pre-orders by the dozen will be taken from any district employee.  Regular-size cupcakes will be $1, and Texas-size cupcakes, $2. Submit orders to Melissa, no later than Wed., April 24.
  • The Children’s School at Sylvia Circle – Students are now gathering pledges for their Spring Fun Run on Friday, April 26 (April 29 rain date). Pledges will go toward field study trips and classroom enrichment. To make a pledge, contact Principal Jackie Jones at The school's goal is $10,000.
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

Rock Hill Chorus on My School Rocks #rockhill #rockhillschools

Chorus on WTVI's My School Rocks

April 16, 2013
The RHHS Chorus will perform on WTVI's My School Rocks program again this year. The show will air live on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. We will compete to win a $5000 prize against other area schools. Please consider supporting our school by viewing the performance and making a contribution to WTVI designating it towards Rock Hill High School. Donation may be made online : or by texting Bearcats to 20222 for a $10 contribution.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rock Hill School District News #rockhill #rockhillschools

Half-Day Schedule for June 5 and June 6
Dismissal times for the last two days of school for students will be as follows:
Elementary - 11:00 a.m.
Middle - Noon
High - 12:15 p.m. (Buses will arrive as close as possible to this time.)
Lunch, probably a bag lunch, will be served on these dates.
Dates of Interest
April 16 - Finley Road Music Performance directed by Terri Westphal, 7 p.m. in South Pointe Aud., donations accepted
April 18 - Educator Appreciation Day at RH Belk, 5:00-9:00 p.m. (flyer attached)
April 18 - Ebinport Music Performance directed by Lucille Harper, "Bebop with Aesop," 7:00 p.m. in South Pointe Aud., free  
April 19 - Free Child Safety Seat Checks, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., RH Family Resource Center, 410 E. Black
April 24 - Administrative Professional's Day
April 24 - Late Start Day
April 26 - Teacher Forum Tour Day, 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
April 26 - Relay For Life of Eastern York County, Rock Hill High School, 7:00 p.m. (info attached)

Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

Friday, April 12, 2013

Rock Hill Schools Update #rockhill #rockhillschools

April: A Month of Celebration
  • National School Library Month and Music in Our Schools Month
  • April 13 – Prom Night
  • April 14-20 – The Week of the Young Child (great attachments)
  • April 16 – Finley Road’s 23rd Annual Spring Music Show, 7 pm in South Pointe Auditorium, directed by Terri Westphal, donations accepted
  • April 19 – Kindergarten students at Northside Elementary School of the Arts will present “How Does Your Garden ‘Groove’” in the school cafeteria at 8:30 am.
  • April 19 – Free Child Safety Seat Checks, 9 am-1 pm at RH Family Resource Center, 410 E. Black
Books for Teachers

The Friends of the York County Library have received a grant from the Renee B. Fisher Foundation to be given to 25 selected public school teachers in each York County school district. Teachers selected will receive a voucher to purchase $25 worth of books and media for their classrooms at the Friends of the York County Library Book Sale April 25-27. Interested teachers should apply ASAP using the attached application form.

Grant for Sunset Park Elementary Summer Reading Program
The Resolute Forest Products (formerly Bowater) charitable giving committee has agreed to support Sunset Park's Summer Reading Program.  Assistant Principal Jaime Karner and Reading Recovery Teacher Sally Hartgrove, submitted the request. In addition to contributing $4600,Resolute FP would also like to volunteer as much as possible at the events. 
Congratulations to . . .
Old Pointe Elementary’ s "Battle of the Books Team" which was victorious at the district’s third annual competition on March 16 at Independence Elementary School.
Middle-Schoolers Participate in SC Read-In

Middle School students from Dutchman CreekRawlinson Road, and Sullivan joined hundreds of students across SC at the State House on April 11 to celebrate reading.  The SC Read-In is sponsored by the SC Assn. of School Librarians and the SC State Library. 
Bearcat Fundraiser
The Rock Hill High Athletic, Band and Choral Depts. will host Drive 4 UR School on Sat., April 13, from 8 am-3 pm on the school campus. Sponsored by Clinton Family Ford, the fundraiser gives these departments a chance to raise money for their programs by having individuals 18 and older (one per household) test drive a Ford vehicle around a prepared course. In return, Ford will donate $20 to the program or sport of one’s choice.

Week of the Child

Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Rock Hill Education News #rockhill #rockhillschools

Stewards of Children

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and many of you may be interested in Stewards of Children. This is a prevention training program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program is designed for organizations that serve youth and individuals concerned about the safety of children. It is the only nationally distributed, evidence-based program proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change child protective behaviors.
Congratulations to . . .
Description: JulieMarshall[1]tDr. Julia Marshall, teacher interventionist and reading recovery teacher at Rosewood, who has been awarded the prestigious Pearson Foundation Global Learning Fellowship. National selection was based on teaching excellence, leadership, and advocacy. Marshall will travel to Brazil in June as part of a global collaborative effort to seek solutions for world-wide 21st Century challenges. Her focus will be on literacy with the topic “Successful Reading Interventions for Children of Poverty.”
Description: Daniel Beasley
tDan Beasley, test coordinator at Rock Hill High, on his selection as 1 of 200 educators
nation-wide to write lessons to be displayed on the LearnZillion website that is hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As a participant in this initiative, Dan has been invited to attend a Common Core forum called TeachFest in San Francisco.

Remember to check out the district's website and Facebook page for more district information,
Happy Spring Break!
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

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