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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rock Hill Schools News For Wednesday, April 17, 2013 #rockhill #rockhillschools

April 18 Come-See-Me Events
  • “Broadway Night” – 6:30 in Sullivan Middle School Auditorium featuring the Rosewood Elementary Chorus, GreenLee Smith (Old Pointe Elementary), Kelsi White (Children’s School), Clay Smith (DCMS), Scarlett Black (STMS), Payton Altman (RRMS),Breanna Johansen (NHS), Justin Norwood (SPHS), Arielle Black (SPHS), Logan Cosper (RHHS), Inga Carey (Rosewood) and Wanda Canty (CHMS).  Since this is the 50th CSM Festival, all music performed (including pop, rock and roll, and country) will be from 1962. Dress in 60’s attire and bring a nutritious food item for Back the Pack.
  • “Rock & Read” – 6:30-7:30 at Oakland Baptist Church. This is a new CSM event, coordinated by York County Early Learning Partnership and Queen City Danceout! There will be drawings for prizes. 
Noteworthy Dates
nApril 22 – School Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m. in District Office
nApril 24 – Administrative Professional’s Day
nMay 1-3 and 6-7 – Teacher Appreciation Days
nMay 20-24 – Bus Driver Appreciation Days
"My School Rocks" Competitor
The RHHS Chorus, directed by Jonathan Hall, will perform live on WTVI's “My School Rocks” program at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, April 20, to compete for a $5,000 prize. Please support RHHS by viewing the performance and making a contribution to WTVI for RHHS. A donation may also be made online:
Congratulations to . . .
  • Risë Strickland, an English teacher at Rock Hill High, who’s had an article published in the Winter 2012/Spring 2013 edition of Reading Matters. Dr. Strickland’s article is titled “Secondary English Language Learners’ Views on the Effectiveness of Instructional Strategies: A Phenomenological Study.” It can be viewed on the Reading Matters website or at
  • Dutchman Creek Middle School on its selection as a Winthrop University NetScope partnership school. Dutchman Creek will now be able to host student interns, as well as benefit from the many professional development opportunities Winthrop has to offer. 

School Fundraisers
  • Rock Hill High – During the week of April 29-May 3, school clubs will compete to raise money and awareness for as part of a national bake sale drive. Cupcakes will be sold from noon-2:00 p.m. daily, but pre-orders by the dozen will be taken from any district employee.  Regular-size cupcakes will be $1, and Texas-size cupcakes, $2. Submit orders to Melissa, no later than Wed., April 24.
  • The Children’s School at Sylvia Circle – Students are now gathering pledges for their Spring Fun Run on Friday, April 26 (April 29 rain date). Pledges will go toward field study trips and classroom enrichment. To make a pledge, contact Principal Jackie Jones at The school's goal is $10,000.
Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

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