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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rock Hill School News #rockhill #rockhillschools

Public Forum on Budget
A public forum on the proposed operating budget for 2013-14 will be held at 6 pm Monday, June 10, in the District Office Board Room. Elaine Bilton, Executive Director of Finance, will make the presentation. A tape of the forum will be shown on Cable 114 at 6 pm June 11, 13, 18 and 20. The board is expected to approve the budget at its business meeting on June 24.
Supt. Prepares for Congressional Briefing
Supt. Lynn Moody will be in Washington, D.C., early next week, including Capitol Hill, to seek continuing funding from Congress for strong teacher education programs. She will specifically request that legislators continue funding for the Teacher Quality Partnership program at Winthrop University.
Principals' Retreat Slated for June 12, 13
For the second year, the district's principals will spend their annual retreat at the Milliken Company in Spartanburg on June 12 and 13. Milliken, with 39 manufacturing facilities worldwide, has long led the way for "knowledge-based" investment, employing over 100 PhDs and accumulating over 2,200 U.S. patents and more than 5,000 patents worldwide since its founding in 1865.
Northside Receives ABC Grant
Northside Elementary School of the Arts has received an ABC Grant in the amount of $5,625 for continued funding of arts-related activities.  Each year at Northside every grade level performs a musical production, and the grant money provides funding. White Northside has received this grant for over 10 years, the school is also awaiting news concerning the $18,000 ACIG (Arts Curricular Innovation Grant) that assists in bringing artists in residence to work with grade levels throughout the year.
Band of Distinction Golf Tournament
The Rock Hill High School Band of distinction will host a golf tournament on Tuesday, June 11, at the Tega Cay Golf Club. Proceeds will be used to help purchase new instruments and to help students pay for marching shoes and gloves and for repairs to instruments.

Seat Belt Check
Find out if your child's seat belt is safe by attending a free safety check at the Rock Hill Family Resource Center (410 E. Black Street) on Friday, June 14, from 9:00-1:00.

Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Rock Hill Schools

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