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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Rock Hill School District News #rockhill #rockhillschools #rhsd3

Congratulations to . . .
¡Northwestern’s head football coach, Kyle Richardson, on his selection by the S.C. Athletic Coaches Assn. as the Upper-State Football Coach of the Year. In addition, Mason Rudolph, Trojan quarterback, has been selected as the Upper-State Back of the Year.
¡Martha Menchinger and her technology media students at the Applied Technology Center on producing a PSA (public service announcement) for the York County Solicitor’s Office on the dangers and consequences of sexting. A news conference was held this morning in the D.O. where this PSA and one from Fort Mill were introduced.

School and Community Events
  • The Rock Hill Community Theatre will hold auditions at 7 pm on Dec. 8 & 9 for “She Loves Me,” described by some as the most charming musical ever written. Parts are available for males and females, ages 16 and older. Visit for a list of characters and other details.  
  • The York County Education Assn. will host “S.C. Legislative Meet and Greet Night” from 6-8 pm January 30 in the Cyber Café in the RH Flexible Learning Center. This will be a great opportunity to meet local legislators and find out their views on the new teacher evaluation system and Common Core. 
  • Cards offering discounts from a number of popular Rock Hill restaurants and other businesses are now available from Rock Hill High School for $20. Proceeds will benefit the school’s basketball program.
  • For those who will be shopping on Dec. 23 or running errands, the Northwestern Performance Ensemble is offering a “Mommy’s Morning Out”  from 8-noon in the Rawlinson Road gym for children ages 3-10. 

  • Enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast with Santa from 8-10 Sat. morning, Dec. 14, at Fatz Café. Proceeds will benefit the Sunset Park PTO. Tickets are $7.
Good Luck Trojans!
The Northwestern High School  Trojans will play in the 4A Division 2 football championship at noon this Saturday (Dec. 7) in Williams Brice Stadium in Columbia. Their opponent will be Stratford High School in Berkeley County. Tickets, at $10, will be available in the Northwestern Athletic Department through the school day tomorrow and at the gate.

Holiday Concerts
  • Elementary Honors Choir – 4 pm Dec. 8 in Byrnes Aud. at Winthrop.  The choir, under the direction of Jeri McGuffin, assisted by Kenton Simon, will be featured with the York County Choral Society. Admission is $15.
  • Sullivan Middle School Chorus – 7 pm December 10 in auditorium, free
  • Rock Hill High Bands – 7 pm Dec. 12 in auditorium. The concert will feature the Jazz Band, Percussion Ensemble, the Concert Band, and smaller ensembles. Admission will be one canned food item. 
Dec. 9 School Board Meetings
The Rock Hill School Board will hold two  meetings on Dec. 9: a business meeting at 6 pm and a work session which follows. Click here for the agenda for the business meeting and here for the agenda for the work session. 

Elaine T. Baker
Director of Information Services
Celebrating 125 Years of Public Education, 1888-2013

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