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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Rock Hill Schools Update for August 21 #rhsd3

First Day of School
From all indications, the first day of school had few glitches. With the largest transportation system in York County, our school bus transportation complex was the busiest location, trying to ensure that all 13,000+ riders were picked up and then delivered home safely. 
August 22 Northwestern/Byrnes Football Game on ESPNU
District Three Stadium will be the place tomorrow for Friday night football. Two of the most powerful football teams in the state will play—the Northwestern “Trojans” and the Byrnes (Spartanburg) “Rebels.” Kick-off time is 6:00 p.m. and no district-issued passes will be honored due the district’s contract with ESPN which will televise the game “live.” Tickets, at $6, can be purchased in advance in the Northwestern Athletic Dept. Thursday until 4:00 pm and tomorrow until noon.  
School Fundraisers
  • Rock Hill High Softball Team – August 23, huge yard sale from 8:00-3:00 in the parking lot. There will be designer clothes, furniture, electronics, etc.
  • South Pointe Band of Thunder – August 23, pancake breakfast at Fatz on Herlong from 8:00-10:00 am. Tickets will be $7/adults and $4/children age 11 and under.
Mascot Training
Rock Hill High will offer a mascot training workshop for middle and high school mascots on Saturday, September 6
August 25 School Board Meeting
School board work sessions and business meetings are open to the public, and district employees are always welcome to attend. At Monday night’s meeting, elementary students who made perfect PASS scores this past spring will be recognized along with new Teachers of the Year, S.C. Coaches of the Year, Kyle Richardson and Calvin Hudgins, and NHS Resource Officer Scott Eller.

Elaine Baker

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