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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Letter to #RockHill from Coach Richardson #wintoday

To:  Trojan Nation

This letter is bittersweet for my family and myself.  Last week Coach Swinney offered me an offensive position on Clemson’s Football Staff and I accepted.  The timing has been quick and I have not had the chance to meet with each and every person in this city that has made an impact on my family, this football program and myself so I wanted to release this to express my thoughts and gratitude.  9 years ago I left a college coaching position in Louisiana to start a journey at Northwestern High School as offensive coordinator.  In my wildest dreams, I never thought we would accomplish as a program, in my 4 years of being the offensive coordinator and 5 years as head coach, what we accomplished.  In 2011 when I was made head coach, my #1 goal was to leave Northwestern Football program better than I found it.  I believe after 5 years of 3 Upper State Championships, 2 State Championships, 4 Region Championships and 5 straight Playoff Appearances along with 2 Nationally ranked teams, that goal has been accomplished.  I am prouder of the academic accomplishments within this football program more than the football wins.  Over a 5 year period as a staff we have eliminated every F of players in the program (No F’s to finish the school year for 4 straight years).  This academic success has allowed our players to have success on and off the field along with tools to be successful in life.  I can not express enough thanks to Allison Jordan our academic coordinator who spends everyday working hard to make our Win Today Academic Plan a success.  Speaking of the players, I want to express my love and appreciation for each and every player I have had a chance to coach.  They are too numerous to name, but I want every current and former player to know I would not have this opportunity to move on to Clemson without your hard work and effort, THANK YOU!  I also want to thank Mr. Blake, the best principal and man to work for.  He gave me anything and everything I needed for this program to be successful on and off the field.  He is a class act and loves Northwestern and the students, I can’t say thank you enough for granting me the chance to lead Northwestern Football.  I was blessed to have the opportunity to work with a great administration at Northwestern, faculty and staff over the last 9 years, thank you all.   Dr. Sparks, Mr. Lancaster, Mr. Williams and Mrs. Andrus were the best administration to work for.  I appreciate all your help in making sure Northwestern Football players were doing the right things on and off the field.  Anytime I had a need you all were there to help, THANK YOU!   I want to publicly thank Northwestern Athletic Director Lauren West for all her support and hard work over the last 5 years.  We came in together 5 years ago and worked hand in hand through the transition of our 2 new positions.  Lauren bleeds purple and is a great asset for this school and community, without her, none of this would be possible for my family.  To Mrs. Elaine and the Northwestern janitorial staff, thank you for all your hard work to take care of the teams facilities, offices and keeping me from being too much of a mess.  Administrative assistants: Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Bartles and especially Mrs. Parrish, I appreciate all your patience in dealing with my wants and needs daily.  You all are the best!  A big thank you to Coach Wallace in his guidance during our time working together and during my time as head coach.  Coach Wallace loves Northwestern Football and was a big part in making my transition from assistant to head coach a smooth one. Thank you to the media that has covered Northwestern Football over the years.  Chris Miller at WRHI, Brett McCormick at The Herald and Jeremy Winder with Damarius Bruce at CN2, along with WBTV and WSOC in Charlotte.  What you all do for high school athletics in this city is tremendous, thank you for being there for the city and the cities youth. 

I want to say thank you to the best football staff in the country!  My time here has been the best 9 years of my life because of the people I worked with day in and day out to make Northwestern Football a success.  Words can’t describe what I feel for the coaches I have worked with over the years at Northwestern.  This program is in great hands with this staff and I believe the best is yet to come.  Again, thank you Northwestern Football coaches for your hard work, effort, relationships and support.  I will miss you all!

Last but not least I want to thank my church family, my family, and my wife Kelli and kids Lexi Grace and Presley Ann who have stood by me thru all the long hours and days away while working to make our players at Northwestern successful on and off the field.  THANK YOU!

In closing there are so many people that have made an impact and helped over the years but too numerous to name.  I want to thank all hands and prayers over the years that have touched this program.  We would be nothing without you all. 

As for the City of Rock Hill and “Football City, USA” my thoughts are very simple.  I woke up everyday, not to go to work, but to live in the moment of being the head coach at Northwestern High School.  I took great pride in coaching at the best high school in the country and being a part of the long tradition of Northwestern Football and Football City, USA.   Thank you Rock Hill in allowing me to be a part of this great cities tradition and history!  I am excited about the next journey and look forward to continuing all my families relationships we have made here in Rock Hill.  Hope to see some of you soon in Death Valley!  FOREVER A TROJAN!!

God Bless…..


Kyle Richardson

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