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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sherry K. Stone Foundation

Many of you remember WRHI's Steven Stone who was the voice of the Bearcats for many years. Steven's wife Sherry passed away recently from a long battle with cancer. A foundation has been set up to help find a cure. Please read Steven's note below:

Dear Friends:

The website for the Sherry K. Stone Foundation for a Cure is now up and operational. For my media friends, I will be producing a public service announcement about the foundation later this week that I hope you will be able to use. The foundation has been established in the name of my late wife Sherry K. Stone who died from complications of lung cancer on June 20, 2009.

The Sherry K. Stone Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit that has been created to raise money with the express purpose of funding research and other programs directly related to women's cancer issues. The are no administrative cost or salaries nor anything else deducted from these
contributions to the Sherry K. Stone Foundation for a Cure.

All monies go directly to the purpose of which they are intended. In advance, I thank my media friend and partners for any air time that they can give the PSA. I also hope that you will take a moment to visit the website at and please contribute whatever you can. There is no amount too small for a cause so great. I'd also appreciate any feedback you might have regarding the website and the foundation that you might have.

It is my wish to make this endeavor the best it can be and therefore I need all the help and advice I can get. Thank you and God bless all of you.


Steven Stone

Senator Wes Hayes To Have Public Meeting

South Carolina Senator Wes Hayes will be holding a public meeting on Monday, July 6, 2009, at 7:00 pm at Fewell Park in Rock Hill, S.C. . Wes represents Senate District 15 and has been a very big supporter of public education. Wes has this to say about his public meeting: "With the economic challenges before us, your input is important to our effort to meet the needs of our growing community. I hope you will make every effort to attend"


Monday, June 29, 2009

Rock Hill High Class of 65 Planning a Reunion

The Rock Hill High School Class of 1965 is planning a reunion. They have a web site which you can see by clicking here. There are a lot of old pictures of Rock Hill on the site - even if you are not in the class of 65, you'll enjoy seeing those pictures.

One of the pictures is at left, from 1953. Do you see anyone in the picture that looks familiar?

Fellow Rock Hill School Board Member Walter Brown claims to be in the picture. Can you find him?

See below for which one is Walter.

Sanford Web Site

I should say, the anti-Sanford Web site. Someone has started a web site devoted to removing the Governor from office. You can view the site by clicking here.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

What About The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program?

The Eduflack blog site has an interesting article on the success of IB programs. I believe it supports one of my beliefs that a key benefit of IB is in pulling the marginal student forward. Never-the-less, since Rock Hill's three high schools, two of the middle schools, and one elementary school have IB programs, this is worth the time for you to read.

The Effectiveness of IB

Each year, we see the high school "rankings," finding that those schools with a high preponderance of Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB ) programs tend to do the best. The greater the penetration of such programs and priorities, the higher a high school ranks. Over the years, though, the education community has begun to ask the question about true results or the true impact of these programs.

A decade ago, many a high school student collected AP courses like baseball cards, knowing that AP today meant college credit tomorrow. The eduwife actually entered Stanford University as a sophomore because of all of the AP classes she took (and the fives she secured on the exams), allowing her to spend her fourth year out at the Farm gaining her master's degree.

But times have changed. Many colleges are now saying that even a five on an AP course is not the same as successfully completing the college course. We've shifted from awarding college credit to simply allowing students to waive out of core requirements.

The situation has always been even more murky with IB. IB was never intended to provide college credits in a way AP does. Designed decades ago, the program was created to ensure that students received a rigorous, comprehensive, and relevant high school learning experience. By maximizing the time in high school through the IB curriculum, young people would become better students, better scholars, and better citizens.

So how does all that translate when it comes to postsecondary education? Many a college admissions officer knows that an IB graduate means a strong college candidate. They are prepared for postsecondary work. They are motivated. They've been challenged. They are inquisitive. And they are able to do more than fill out bubble sheets or choose from a list of five answers. They are scholars and learners, not merely the processors of information.

In past years, Eduflack has had the privilege of working with IB on a number of issues. Being me, I would always ask about the research. How do we know IB is working? IB would say that the proof is in their alumni network. One knows IB works when you see the complete IB graduate. It is not just what they know, but how they apply it. Those who complete an IB program usually move on to college. And the IB high school instructional model has been so successful in teaching and motivating students that it has resulted in the development of both elementary and middle grades IB programs.

IB has never been about longitudinal research models. They know the program works. Their scholars know it works. Their teachers, who undergo rigorous training and ongoing support, know it works. And the schools that adopt it know it works. They don't need a medical-style research model to prove what they already know. No, IB isn't for everyone. But those who do adopt it are better for it. And despite the urban legends, IB isn't just for the rich schools in the suburbs or for the uber-motivated. IB works for all students who are motivated enough to seek a high-quality, rigorous educational program that provides the content and the skills to perform well after the IB program is completed.

But this is an era of research and of doing what is proven effective. One's word or one's track record isn't enough. We need third party data to prove our effectiveness. And now, IB has some of that as well. In recent days, IB announced the Education Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) findings of its International Baccalaureate Standards Development and Alignment Project. What did EPIC find?
* IB is "highly aligned" with the Knowledge and Skills for University Success (KSUS) college-ready standards
* The IB Diploma's key cognitive strategies — critical thinking skills, intellectual inquisitiveness, and interpretation — were found to be fully aligned with the expectations of university faculty
* IB math (algebra, trigonometry, and statistical standards) were completely aligned with KSUS
* IB science (chemistry, biology, and environmental science) were completely aligned with KSUS

Alignment is important. But the data on results is even more compelling. As part of the EPIC announcement, IB revealed that more than 80 percent of those completing the IB high school program graduate from college within six years, a rate leaps, bounds, and high jumps above the national average for high school students. IBers are college graduates. And there are few, if any programs, we can make that statement about with higher certainty.

IB has been one of the best-kept secrets in school improvement and innovation. We don't talk about it, but IB's year-on-year growth in the United States over the last year has been the stuff on which folks write Harvard case studies. Those teachers who have gone through the training are true believers. Those students who secure the Diploma are real-life success stories. And those districts who make the investment quickly realize that the cost is worth it, gaining both quantitative and qualitative return on investment almost from the get-go.

Perhaps IB's greatest challenge is how it fits into the current environment of improvement, reform, and innovation. IB succeeded in the NCLB years, in part, because of the misperceptions of who it was targeting. Since many didn't see its applicability for those students who were being left behind (despite some tremendous case studies of how IB programs have turned around schools and really helped students from historically disadvantaged groups), the program was left to operate on its own. It connected enough with AYP and with state assessments that it was a viable alternative for those wishing to pursue it. But it simply wasn't seen as a solution for that bottom quartile of students, particularly with NCLB's focus on the elementary grades.

Today, IB is at a crossroads. As a nation, we have set hard goals for improving high school graduation rate and college attainment numbers. The EPIC data demonstrates that IB could be one of those solutions custom-made for rising to the occasion. The IB training and development model is one that can be used as we look to new ways to improving instruction and preparation for all teachers. The real challenge, though, is how IB fits into the new call for common standards. How will the IB framework align with the high school standards currently being pursued? How do IB assessments dovetail with the assessments that will come out of common standards? How does IB demonstrate value-add, and not add-on?

Only time will tell if IB is up to the challenge. It has the opportunity. It has the track record. It can display its strengths. Now is the time for International Baccalaureate to show it is an exemplar of best practice, and not merely a niche program. It has the pieces. IB just has to bring them all together for a compelling story that solves the problem so many school decisionmakers are facing.

Carl Gullick Speaks Out About Sanford

Representative Carl Gullick speaks out about what Mark Sanford should do in this post in the SC Hotline. What the governor should do is walk the talk - that's the only way he can begin the healing process.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bryan Coburn to Blog About His Teacher of The Year Experiences

Follow State Teacher of the Year Bryan Coburn on the CERRA blog by clicking here.

South Carolina Senate Passes Resolution on Coburn



Whereas, Mr. Bryan Coburn, a pre-engineering, computer programming, and business teacher at Northwestern High School in York School District 3, was named South Carolina Teacher of the Year on Friday, May 1, 2009; and

Whereas, Mr. Coburn earned a bachelor's degree from Milligan College, a master's degree from Winthrop University, has been teaching for over nineteen years, and has touched the lives of many students; and

Whereas, he strives to help his students discover and master the most difficult topics and stretches the walls of his classroom into their world; and

Whereas, he is zealous in his efforts to find the most effective ways to stimulate, maintain, and grow his students' understanding; and

Whereas, his innovative teaching style makes it possible for his students to use analytical reasoning in problem solving; and

Whereas, Mr. Coburn measures his success by the success of his students who often give him credit for sparking their interest and motivation in the pursuit of knowledge; and

Whereas, he is heavily involved in his community, organizing charitable events with his students and with his church; and

Whereas, Mr. Coburn is National Board certified, mentors new teachers, is a member of the School Improvement Council, and has been recognized as a master teacher by Project Lead the Way; and

Whereas, South Carolina is fortunate to have such a dedicated and caring teacher working with South Carolina's young people. Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate:

That the Senate of South Carolina congratulates Bryan Coburn of Rock Hill on being named the 2009-2010 South Carolina Teacher of the Year and wishes him much success in the future.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Bryan Coburn.

Demographic Changes In Store For Southern Schools

Inside Higher Ed is reporting that by 2022, school systems in the south will be 31% Hispanic, a major change to the present demographics. This is one of the reasons the Rock Hill School Board will be discussing what, if anything, the district should do to keep our schools balanced. The Board will devote an extended work session on July 13 to this topic.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Will Rock Hill's Carroll School Be In A National Magazine?

Rex Perry, an editor for Southern Living Magazine spent some time in April at Rock Hill's Carroll School. Rumor has it the magazine will be publishing an article on Rosenwald Schools in their August Issue.

Rosenwald Schools are in the top 10 most endangered historic buildings. The only one that is still being used to educate children is Rock Hill's Carroll School.

Melanie Hornsby, Bill Cathcart, and James Hart do a wonderful job recreating what it was like to be a student during the time of the Rosenwald School. All Rock Hill 5th graders speed a day there after completing some preliminary assignments to be prepared for the experience.

Another example of some of the things that make Rock Hill Schools Different.

Rock Hill Applied Technology Students Do Well in Competition

The ATC Chapter of FFA placed 2nd in the State FFA Horticulture Contest. Students were: Michael Lowery, Emily Mileage, Corey Sims, and Ashley Allen.

Adam Heafner, a junior at Northwestern High School, won 2nd place in the Extemporaneous Writing Competition at the Students of America State Leadership Conference held in Charleston for HOSA.

Ashley Leazer and Tyler Hutson, seniors at Northwestern High School, took 2nd place in the state for a 60-second commercial during the recent Skills USA TV Production competition.

Trevor Ferrell, a senior at South Pointe High School, competed in the Skills USA Automotive Service Competion and placed 2nd overall.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Press Having Fun with SC's Governor

An interesting video of air traffic in a 24 hour day.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Walter Brown to Speak on WRHI's Straight Talk on Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rock Hill School Board member Walter Brown will be the guest on the Wednesday, June 24 edition of straight talk. You can listen on 1340 am or on the internet by going to . Walter will be talking about the recently approved budget and how the stimulus money helped. The show runs between 12:30 and 1 pm.

Rock Hill School Board Passes 2009-10 Budget

The Rock Hill School Board passed the 2009-10 school year budget with a vote of 6-0 (Reid out of town). This vote, coupled with a 6-0 vote for a Technology and Operations Bond will preserve jobs and complete classroom installation of Promethean Boards while only increasing taxes on business by 1.7 mils. Property tax for homeowners will actually go down by 4 mils. The budget is for $128.7 million and the bond is for $2.5 million. The Board had to suspend Fund Balance Policy DFAC, which requires a 50 day supply of cash on hand, to move $2.5 million so the budget would be balanced. As part of the motion, the board requested the administration come back with a two year plan (by October work session) for balancing the budget without stimulus money.

In other action, the board voted 6-0 on a resolution to join with the state tax anticipation note (so we can borrow money while awaiting revenue collection) and 4-2 to approve roofing contracts for Ebinport Elementary, Lesslie Elementary, and Sunset Park Elementary in the amount of $368,823 (Vining and Brown voted against because there was an option which was $17,000 cheaper).

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rock Hill School Board to Vote on Budget Monday Night

The Rock Hill School Board will be voting on the 2009-10 school budget at the June Business meeting, this Monday, June 22nd, at the District Office. The budget, which is about 137 positions short of being balanced, is supported by increasing operating mils to the maximum of 6 and taking over $2 million from the reserve fund and $6 million from short term stimulus money. If the economy doesn't improve, the district will be over $8 million short in two years.

The meeting will begin with a public presentation of the budget at 6 pm. The agenda is as follows (click here for a PDF version)

Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Monday, June 22, 2009
6:00 p.m. – District Office Board Room


I. Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
(Under consent agenda, all action items will be voted on after one motion and second to approve them without
discussion. If a board member wants any action item discussed or voted on separately, the board member, before the
agenda is approved, must ask that the action item be moved to the discussion item section.)

II. Public Budget Hearing

III. Citizen Participation

IV. Special Business

V. Consent Action Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
1. May 18, 2009 business meeting
2. June 8, 2009 work session
B. Approval of Personnel Recommendations

VI. Communications

VII. Report of the Superintendent
A. Announcements
B. Report on Principals’ Retreat
C. Report on Student Engagement Conference

VIII. Review of Work Session

IX. Action Agenda
A. Tax Anticipation Note Resolution
B. Roofing Bid
C. Eight Percent (8%) Bond for Technology/Operations
D. 2009-2010 Budget

X. Other Business

XI. Executive Session - Personnel

XII. Adjourn

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Google Search Videos

The blog site Clif's Notes will play a series of short videos on Google Search tips. You can click here to see.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Could Rock Hill's South Pointe High School Lineman Jacob McQueen Be Headed to Clemson?

Thursday's Spartanburg newspaper, The Spartanburg Herald Journal had an interesting article on South Pointe High Schools Jacob McQueen. You can read the full article by clicking here.

An excerpt:

McQueen picked up his first official offer from Gardner-Webb while visiting the Bulldogs’ summer camp on Tuesday.
He is hopeful the initial offer will open doors for others to follow — including the Tigers.
“I’ve wanted to play for Clemson all my life,” he said. “It feels wonderful to hear what coach Scott said during camp and makes your heart skip a beat.”

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Is Northwestern High School's Justin Worley Headed for UNC?

The Charlotte Observer's college recruiting blog is reporting that the University of North Carolina has offered Northwestern High School's Justin Worley a verbal offer. You can read the details by clicking here.

North Carolina is apparently making an early push for Rock Hill Northwestern rising junior QB Justin Worley, who camped in Chapel Hill over the weekend. We’ve heard that the Tar Heels made Worley a verbal offer, and that a number of other schools have done the same thing.

Worley (left) is already 6-foot-5, giving him great quarterback size. But Northwestern coach Jimmy Wallace is even more impressed with the mental side of his young QB.

“He’s the most mature tenth grade player I've had in 37 years of coaching,” Wallace said. “He has tremendous potential.”

Worley is a natural athlete, also a standout in baseball (pitcher) and basketball (forward).

Next season, he could blossom into a national recruiting target, and obviously UNC wants in on the ground floor.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rock Hill Northwestern's Enzo Martinez Makes ESPNRise All America Team

The ESPNRise web site has the following comments about Northwestern High Schools Enzo Martinez:

From high-scoring Enzo Martinez to shutout specialist Scott Goodwin, this year's EA SPORTS All-America Boys Soccer team is loaded with stars.

The offensive star of this year's team is Martinez from Northwestern (Rock Hill, S.C.). His 182 career goals ranks sixth all-time in U.S. high school soccer history

Didier Nobels

Enzo Martinez will play at North Carolina next season.

Enzo Martinez, Northwestern (Rock Hill, S.C.): Martinez was the most dynamic finisher in the U.S. this past spring, leading Northwestern to a 24-0 season and finishing his career with 182 goals. His career goal total ranked No. 6 all-time in U.S. high school soccer history. The North Carolina signee helped Northwestern claim the FAB 50 spring No. 1 ranking after the team claimed its third state title in four seasons. Martinez is a native of Uruguay.

You can read the full article by clicking here.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rock Hill Applied Technology Students Do Well in Competition

The picture on the left shows South Pointe students Meagan Hill and AZ Williams who placed 1st in the Forensic Medicine category of the HOSA competition. They will represent South Carolina in the National Competition this summer in Nashville, Tennessee. On the right is Northwestern High School student Matt Prater who won the local "Best Teen Chef" competition and came in 7th in National competition.

On the right are students from the ATC Chapter of FCCLA which took first place with their project, A Chance for Hope: Autism Awareness. They will travel to Nashville to represent the state at the National FCCLA competition.

On the left is Northwestern High School student Kenneth Reynolds who finished first in the SkillsUSA Carpentry competition. Kenneth will compete in the National Competition in Kansas City, Kansas this summer.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Are Rock Hill Students Prepared For the Future?

I was stopped by a parent this week who said we didn't offer anything for students who don't want to go to college - and that was the reason there are so many drop-outs. The parent was not aware of our Applied Technology Center or the many programs we have to keep students in school. This leads to a discussion on whether students should be pushed to take continuing education after high school. The graph below shows the unemployment rate by highest level of education achievement (red - high school drop out, purple - high school graduate, green - some college or associate degree, blue - college degree). I would be hard pressed to say it was the education level that leads to employment - for it may be the work ethic that allows people who achieve those levels to be good candidates for employment. Many of the issues that cause people to drop out of school (attendance and or discipline) are also issues which would prevent employment.

A recent survey by Clemson University on the state of public education in South Carolina shows a disconnect between what educators and parents think compared to what business and taxpayers think. However, there is agreement on:

They all have high expectations for their public schools. But they differ on how to achieve the expectations.

Control over student behavior is seen as key to determining if a school is doing well. A majority of parents, educators and taxpayers ranked control of student behavior ahead of graduation rates, SAT scores and promotion to the next grade in determining if a school is doing well. (Business professionals were not asked this question.) Nearly everyone believed students’ living in poverty is a problem that schools cannot overcome on their own.

The State Newspaper has an article on the report in Sunday's paper. You can download a copy of the presentation made to the State Education Oversight Committee by clicking here, or you can get an summary of the report here. You can also read the press release from the State EOC about the report here.

Overwhelmingly, business stakeholders agreed that to be successful in the work world, students need:

The ability to communicate effectively

Commitment and motivation to do a job well

Reading and writing skills

Computer skills and industry-specific skills were not rated as important.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Importance of Learning a Foreign Language

Some interesting facts on why we are keeping our elementary foreign language program.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Former Northwestern High School Principal Bill Gummerson to Retire

Former Northwestern High School Principal Bill Gummerson, currently Lexington Three's District Superintendent, turned in his retirement notice on Tuesday night. Dr. Gummerson will become a professor in Appalachian State University's College of Education next year. Northwestern High School won the Palmetto Finest award as the best High School in South Carolina under Gummerson's leadership. He leaves after completing 32 years of service to the state. You can read The State newspaper's write up by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rock Hill School Board to Try and Limit tax increase to 3 mil for Businesses

At the Monday, June 8, Rock Hill School Board work session, the school administration was requested to bring forward a proposal that would keep the tax increase for businesses to 3 mils or less. The board acknowledged the need for a 6 mil increase to the operating budget (which applies to non residential property) but requested the administration drop the capital mils enough to keep the increase to business to 3 mils or less. The irony is that in a tight budget year, taxes will go down for residential property. There were still some concerns about how the district would meet budget needs in two years when the stimulus funds run out. This years budget is not balanced and next years budget is not expected to be balanced either. Payroll will be met by using reserve fund monies which are limited. Without more reductions, the budget reduction in two years could be quite severe (personnel reductions). The current proposed spending does not include furloughs or reduction in national board pay.

The administration will make a public presentation of the budget before the June business meeting (4th Monday of month) and is requesting approval from the board afterwards.

The board heard that the county and state would have road improvements in place at Saluda Trail Middle School before school starts next year. The irony was that most of these had been talked about in 2003 and were waiting on funds. The administration reported there were concerns around Sullivan Middle School and to date, the city has not been able to help.

The board recognized the National Champion Northwestern Boys Soccer team. This very talented soccer team (4 have Division 1 scholarships and one more is expected) includes a Parade Magazine all american in Enzo Martinez, the valedictorian of Northwestern High School in Ty Youngblood, and the Charlotte Art Institutes BEST TEEN Chef in Matt Prater. The team was sharply dressed (in contrast, the board is casual for work sessions) and just great embasidors for their school, town, and state.

The board will devote the July work session to developing a school balance policy. The work session will be on the second Monday. The Board does dress up on occasion. Here is a picture of the board before Northwestern High School's graduation on Saturday.

Here is a YouTube video of Dennis Moore clowning around with a soccer ball. Dennis will be returning for next years Northwestern High School Soccer Team.

Johneka Simmons Named Principal of Ebenezer Avenue Elementary (Rock Hill Schools)

Johneka Simmons, assistant principal at Rosewood Elementary since 2006, was approved June 8 by the Board of Trustees as the new principal of Ebenezer Avenue Elementary effective July 1. The vote was 5 - 0 (Reid and Silverman were absent). Read more about Ms. Simmons by clicking here.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Rock Hill Schools Budget Graphs on District Web Site

The Rock Hill Schools have posted a couple of pie charts representing the 2008 - 09 budget on the district web site. You can see those charts by clicking here.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Should We Make Graduation More Political?

Some of you may have noticed an incident that happened in Charlotte this week. Vilma Leake, a Mecklenburg County Commissioner was upset that she was not allowed to sit up on stage and be recognized during graduation. After all, Mecklenburg County contributes $350 million to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg budget. She was told the stage has always been limited to school board members and people taking part in the program. Never-the-less, she was not happy.

Which brings up an interesting discussion. Should we open up our graduation to our local legislature members. With the passage of Act 388 - we are much more dependent on them for finances. What should we do if one of them refuses to support education if we don't? What do you recommend? I'd love to get some feedback.

Rock Hill Schools Complete Graduation Without Incident

The three Rock Hill Schools completed graduation on Saturday without incident - one person shouted out a name and there were a few hollers during the Pomp and Circumstance march - but that is excellent in today's climate, with 1,076 students participating (unofficial rate of 82%) and guests in excess of 4,000 - it was a great day! The three schools reported scholarship totals in excess of 15.7 million dollars.

Having three graduations in one day, gives you an opportunity to decide what you like and don't like. I like that each school does things a little differently. Here is what I thought worked well and what I'd like to ad:
  • Slide show of the seniors on the scoreboard before graduation was great. I'd include the school jazz band and/or orchestra to provide entertainment as well. A lot of folks there just don't know how good those groups are.
  • Have the ROTC flag bearings bring up the end of the Pomp and Circumstance march and stop in front of podium until after the Star-Spangled Banner, then take the flags up on the stage.
  • I'd create a District Sceptre, and have the school's Teacher of the Year (or teacher selected by the graduating class) lead the procession down and place it on the platform. They would then lead the recession at the end of the program.
  • I'd have the principals speak less and let the student leaders communicate what they (the principals) are now doing.
  • Having all students together on the floor and announcing their accomplishments when their name is called works great. I'd have the student speakers return to seats with their classmates after speaking (none of the schools do this now).
  • One speaker to announce all the names works great - 3 to 5 seconds per name.
  • Only have two people on stage to greet the graduates - one to give them the diploma and one to shake hands - we have way too many doing this now.
  • I would start the recession shortly after greeting the new graduates - each school tries to do something afterward - but for the most part it gets drowned out by noise.

Rock Hill Schools Announce Public Hearing on 2009-10 School Budget

Per Rock Hill School Board Policy DBF, the district has advertised for a public hearing on the 2009-10 school budget. At the hearing, the administration will present their recommendations and the public will have an opportunity to comment. Since this will be at the June business meeting, it will be on tape delay and the administration is hoping the board will approve later in the meeting.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Northwestern High School Athletics Ends Year 5th in State

In a numerical ranking of 4A high Schools in South Carolina, Northwestern High School Athletics finished the Year 5th in the state. Comparing 20 sports, with 100 points for being a state champion and 10 points for winning the region, Northwestern compiled 620 points. Wando High School finished 1st with 990 points, followed by Dorman (980), Lexington (700), and Mauldin (670). Other area schools and their finish were as follows: Fort Mill 10th (490), Nation Ford 16th (350), Rock Hill High 17th (350), Clover 30 (210), South Pointe 30 (210), York 46 (90).

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rock Hill Schools Graduate on Saturday

It will be a long day for Rock Hill School Board members on Saturday, with graduations starting at 10 am and going through with the last one at 6 pm. Never-the-less, this is one of the things I enjoy most about being on the school board. Nothing shows what our schools are all about more than graduation. This years group of students have thrilled us, entertained us, and on Saturday, they'll demonstrate why we should have confidence in the future.

2008 - 09 has been a remarkable year for our High Schools. Some of those accomplishments are:
  • South Carolina Teacher of the Year - Bryan Coburn, Northwestern High School
  • South Carolina Administrator of The Year - Judy Mobley, Rock Hill High School
  • South Carolina 4A, Division II football champions - Undefeated and Nationally ranked South Pointe High School
  • National and South Carolina Boys Soccer Champions - Undefeated Northwestern High School
  • South Carolina 4A Wrestling Champions - Rock Hill High School
  • South Carolina 4A Band Champions - Northwestern High School
  • South Carolina Mr. Football - South Pointe's Stephon Gilmore
  • South Carolina Soccer Player of the Year - Northwestern's Enzo Martinez
  • South Carolina Cross Country Champion - Rock Hill's Hannah Robinson
  • Business Week "Best Places to Raise Your Kids" - Rock Hill
  • South Carolina 4A, Division II football runner up - Northwestern High School
  • South Carolina 4A, Girls track runner up - Northwestern High School
  • South Carolina 5A Band Upper State Champions and State runners up - Rock Hill High School
  • South Carolina Choral runners up - Northwestern High School
And what brings it all together is great support from the community. Rock Hill's WRHI 1340 has the best high school football pregame show and Rock Hill's The Herald has the best newspaper coverage of our schools and athletic teams in the state.

Thanks to all for making this year - one for the books.

Rock Hill School Board To Recognize National Champions on Monday

The Rock Hill School Board will recognize the Northwestern Boys Soccer team, National and State Champions, at Monday's work session at the district office. The Board will discuss budget items for next year as well as getting an update on the Saluda Trail traffic problem. The proposed agenda is as follows:

Start time 5:30 pm at the Rock Hill School District Office
Recognition of NHS Soccer Team & Coaches Lynn Moody 5 minutes
Rock Hill Climb Luanne Kokolis 15 minutes
Prioritized List of Capital Needs w/Project Descriptions Bill Mabry 30 minutes
Continuing Budget Resolution / Public Hearing Bill Mabry 15 minutes
Tax Anticipation Note Resolution Bill Mabry 5 minutes
List of Additional Funds Possibly Cut 5% Elaine Bilton 15 minutes
Safety Update L. Kokolis / B. Mabry 15 minutes
June and July Board Meetings Lynn Moody 5 minutes
Executive Session - Personnel Matter

Rock Hill Schools Announces Time Line For School Balance Issue

Rock Hill School District Timeline for Reassignment For Balance


Summer:        The Rock Hill School Board will work toward developing a reassignment policy. 


Fall:               Balance in all Rock Hill schools will be reviewed by district office team.  As needed, a reassignment committee will be assembled to review possible school scenarios and maps.  When necessary, based on new policy, planning segments may be adjusted or moved to achieve improved balance for the start of the 2010 school year.


                     Tentative Timeline – Based on direction from new Board policy


January:         Maps in schools                        Public Hearing


February:       Notification to parents by February of 2010 on reassignment changes for the 2010-2011 school year.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rock Hill Schools to Host Blood Drive on June 5, 2009

Rock Hill Schools will host a blood drive from 9:00 am – 12:45 pm in the district office Board Room on Friday, June 5, for the Community Blood Center of the Carolinas. For appointments, contact Ana Glosson at 980-2005

A Comment on "The Attack on Public Education"

The Voting Under The Influence blog has an interesting comment on the attack on Public Education. You can read it by clicking here.

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