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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rock Hill School Board to Try and Limit tax increase to 3 mil for Businesses

At the Monday, June 8, Rock Hill School Board work session, the school administration was requested to bring forward a proposal that would keep the tax increase for businesses to 3 mils or less. The board acknowledged the need for a 6 mil increase to the operating budget (which applies to non residential property) but requested the administration drop the capital mils enough to keep the increase to business to 3 mils or less. The irony is that in a tight budget year, taxes will go down for residential property. There were still some concerns about how the district would meet budget needs in two years when the stimulus funds run out. This years budget is not balanced and next years budget is not expected to be balanced either. Payroll will be met by using reserve fund monies which are limited. Without more reductions, the budget reduction in two years could be quite severe (personnel reductions). The current proposed spending does not include furloughs or reduction in national board pay.

The administration will make a public presentation of the budget before the June business meeting (4th Monday of month) and is requesting approval from the board afterwards.

The board heard that the county and state would have road improvements in place at Saluda Trail Middle School before school starts next year. The irony was that most of these had been talked about in 2003 and were waiting on funds. The administration reported there were concerns around Sullivan Middle School and to date, the city has not been able to help.

The board recognized the National Champion Northwestern Boys Soccer team. This very talented soccer team (4 have Division 1 scholarships and one more is expected) includes a Parade Magazine all american in Enzo Martinez, the valedictorian of Northwestern High School in Ty Youngblood, and the Charlotte Art Institutes BEST TEEN Chef in Matt Prater. The team was sharply dressed (in contrast, the board is casual for work sessions) and just great embasidors for their school, town, and state.

The board will devote the July work session to developing a school balance policy. The work session will be on the second Monday. The Board does dress up on occasion. Here is a picture of the board before Northwestern High School's graduation on Saturday.

Here is a YouTube video of Dennis Moore clowning around with a soccer ball. Dennis will be returning for next years Northwestern High School Soccer Team.

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