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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sherry K. Stone Foundation

Many of you remember WRHI's Steven Stone who was the voice of the Bearcats for many years. Steven's wife Sherry passed away recently from a long battle with cancer. A foundation has been set up to help find a cure. Please read Steven's note below:

Dear Friends:

The website for the Sherry K. Stone Foundation for a Cure is now up and operational. For my media friends, I will be producing a public service announcement about the foundation later this week that I hope you will be able to use. The foundation has been established in the name of my late wife Sherry K. Stone who died from complications of lung cancer on June 20, 2009.

The Sherry K. Stone Foundation is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit that has been created to raise money with the express purpose of funding research and other programs directly related to women's cancer issues. The are no administrative cost or salaries nor anything else deducted from these
contributions to the Sherry K. Stone Foundation for a Cure.

All monies go directly to the purpose of which they are intended. In advance, I thank my media friend and partners for any air time that they can give the PSA. I also hope that you will take a moment to visit the website at and please contribute whatever you can. There is no amount too small for a cause so great. I'd also appreciate any feedback you might have regarding the website and the foundation that you might have.

It is my wish to make this endeavor the best it can be and therefore I need all the help and advice I can get. Thank you and God bless all of you.


Steven Stone

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