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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rock Hill Schools Information for Feb. 18, 2010

Chris Beard, principal at Mount Holly Elementary School is one of three finalists for the Administrator of the Year award from the S.C. International Reading Assn. Chris will be honored on Feb. 20 during the annual SCIRA conference at Myrtle Beach.

Principal Sandra Lindsay-Brown and The Children's School at Sylvia Circle have been selectedas one of five finalists for S.C.'s most outstanding School Improvement Council.

Recipients of $250 grants from Family Trust Federal Credit Union;
Dawn Bradley, Independence Elementary School; Teresa Carlson, Rock Hill High School; Patricia Horn, Exceptional Student Education; Tina Infinger, Dutchman Creek Middle School; Kim Jolly/Marie Heckard, Parent Education; Kelli Passmore, Sunset Park Elementary School; Charlotte Robinson, The Children's School; Kim Simpson, Mount Holly Elementary School; Kathe Stanley, Northside Elementary School; Polli Vaughn/Gail Tanis, Flex Learning Center; Norma Nivens, Belleview Elementary School

The students and staff at Mount Holly Elemenatry School raised more than $2,226 in four days for the "Help for Haiti" fundraising drive.

Luci Vaden, a social studies teacher at Rawlinson Road Middle School has qualified to run in the 2011 Boston Marathon.

Rock Hill High School is asking for your vote! They are in a nationwide competition to receive a "free prom." Stumps Party is hosting a "50 States 50 Proms" contest, and RHH is now in first place in S.C. and a frontrunner in the nation. You can help by voting online by March 15 at
Employees at Family Trust Federal Credit Union donated $1,115 to Mayberry's project of supplying bedroom furniture to a family in need. Saundra Booker, sheriff of the town of Mayberry at Saluda Trail Middle School, wants to thank everyone who made a contribution and John Brown, owner of The Furniture Place on Cherry Road, which sold the furniture at cost.

Susan Williams, Autism Spectrum Disorders teacher at Sunset Park Elementary School, has been invited to speak at the Greater Georgia Autism Society of America Conference in Atlanta on March 1.

Sullivan Middle School is looking for the names of former students who are involved in exciting out-of-the-ordinary careers. An example would be Lauren Cholewinski, who's now on the U. S. Olympic Skating Team. Please send suggested names to

Mount Holly Elementary School has received two grants: $1000 from Cargill, Inc., for the purchase of physical education equipment and $2,000 from the Intermec Foundation for literacy materials.

Students in Leigh Anne Howie's Early Childhood Education class at the Applied Technology Center are hosting a community service project on Feb. 27 titled "Rock Out Hunger." The project includes a carnival and a talent show.

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