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Monday, February 1, 2010

Rock Hill Schools Information

Action items from Monday, January 25, 2010 Business Meeting:
  • Voted 7-0 to approve student reassignment changes, as recommended by the administration, for Mt. Holly Elementary, Belleview Elementary, and Oakdale Elementary.
  • Approved 6-1 a name change for Sunset Park Elementary School. Douglas voted against because of a concern the name change would be confusing to community residents.
  • Voted 7-0 the 2010 - 11 School Calendar
  • Voted 7-0 to approve Policy Changes to DFAC.
  • Voted 7-0 to approve Travel Expenses for Board Member Ann Reid to attend the South Carolina School Board Convention.
  • Voted 5-2 to approve an Administration request to spend $32,000 for a consultant to make recommendations on how to reduce the operations budget by 15%. Vining and Silverman voted against spending money for a consultant. The vote came after an unusual executive session to discuss the contract.
The Olde English Consortium will recognize approximately 1,200 "Junior Scholars" at South Pointe High School on Tuesday, February 2, 2010. The honorees will be 8th graders from York, Chester, Union, and Fairfield counties. Lancaster and Cherokee Counties are also in the Olde English Consortium.

State Senator Wes Hayes will be holding a public meeting on Monday, February 8, 2010 at 7:00 PM at McCelvey Center, 212 E. Jefferson Street in York. This is always a very informative and casual meeting and a good time to find out what is going on in Columbia from one of the best Senators in the State.

There was an excellent article in Sunday's State Paper on the Rock Hill Schools outreach program, "Back the Pack". The the article by clicking here.

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