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Friday, July 15, 2011

Rock Hill School Board Releases Statement on Superintendent's Evaluation


In evaluating the Superintendent's 2010-11 performance, the Board acknowledges and appreciates Dr. Moody's continued extraordinary effort and dedication and awards an overall rating of excellent.

The Board and the Superintendent recognize that the District continues to face formidable challenges in the future—the necessity of improved academic achievement by all students in the face of the severe financial limitations facing our nation and state, as well as the need to continue to justify to our community the benefits and costs of an outstanding 21st century school system.

The Board and Superintendent will announce publicly the District's goals and objectives for the 2011-12 school year in the near future.

In light of the excellent evaluation and the Board's desire to maintain the continuity of quality leadership, the Board has extended the Superintendent's contract for an additional year or until 2016.

As with all of the District's dedicated and hardworking employees, the Board wishes it could award additional compensation for a job well done, but just as the District's teachers and other employees have received no pay increase, Dr. Moody will not receive an increase in pay next year.

Bob Norwood, Board Chair

July 15, 2011  

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