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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sites For Your Math Genius

From the Noodle blog site:

Children who are gifted in math may not be properly challenged by class work. Here are 5 free resources to stop your budding math geniuses from getting bored and keep them on their toes.

This entertaining and altruistic website donates 10 grains of rice for every question corrrectly answered on the site. So far, has donated 91 billion grains of rice through the World Food Programme.  

This British site offers math problems and instruction for all levels.

Khan Academy offers online classes for free in all manner of subjects and at all different levels of difficulty.

Project Euler offers a number of challenging math/computer programming problems for students looking to translate their math skills into other realms and try new ways of thinking about math problems.

The Math Dude offers tips, podcasts, and mini-lessons on math for all different levels and interests.

For more tips, click here to check out articles from the Math Insider.

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