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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Notes From Rock Hill School Board September Business Meeting

These are my notes from the Monday, September 27 business meeting of the Rock Hill School Board.

The following items were approved with a 7-0 vote of the board:

  • The appointment of Jaime Karner as Assistant Principal at Sunset Park Elementary School
  • Approval for Sullivan Middle School to start a boys and girls soccer program at no expense to the district.
  • Approved the hiring of 5 additional teachers, returning academic fees already collected, and giving a step increase to teachers.
  • Approved the following policies for first reading;GBES;GBED;GCO;JBCC;BG;BGC;BGD;BIA;BIB
The board gave approval to send only one board member to parent meetings scheduled over the next 10 days. The board had been sending two. The vote was 6-0-1 with Mildred Douglas abstaining.

The board room was packed as the district recognized all students who made perfect scores on any section of last years PASS test. Additional recognition was given to; the distinguished teachers for the month; Wally Blankenship for an environmental award and; Amy Jones who is the Upper-State School Resource Officer of the Year.

The board heard reports on; the 15-day enrollment; AP, IB, and SAT participation and performance; the new energy management system and; two students from ATC showcased some of their graphic art work.

Bus drivers James Mann and Carolyn Ann Burris addressed the board about the hardships they are having with a 15% cut in salary as working "retired" bus drivers.

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