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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rock Hill School Board Outreach

The Rock Hill School Board completed the outreach to parents by visiting every school in the district this semester. Response to the questions we received are being posted on our Outreach blog site.

Click here to see the first post of questions/answers and check back every day to view the additions.

The board will be evaluating which direction our outreach will take during the next few months.

Rock Hill Schools Helping Out With ChristmasVille

Rock Hill Schools Update for Novermber 30, 2011

From Elaine Baker:
Rawlinson Road Dance Dept. to Entertain
The Rawlinson Road Middle School Dance Dept., directed by Elise Archie, will hold its annual Winter Concert at 6:00 p.m. on  Dec. 2 in the school auditorium. The cost will be one canned food item to be donated to the Salvation Army. The Rawlinson Road Middle School Dance Companies and Northwestern High School Ensembles, directed by Elise and Will Archie, will perform at ChristmasVille at 4:00 PM on Sunday afternoon at the Elk Avenue stage.
Elementary Honors Choir to Perform Dec. 4
The Elementary Honors Choir will present its Winter Concert at 3:00 PM, Sunday afternoon, Dec. 4, in the sanctuary of Oakland Baptist Church. Directed by Becky Sanderson and accompanied by Gwen Colter, associate director, the choir is comprised of 55 fourth and fifth graders chosen from the district's elementary schools. Admission will be free.
Applied Technology Center to Host America's Promise Press Conference
The Applied Technology Center ("C" Bldg.) will be the location for the America's Promise Press Conference at 10:30 AM, Friday morning, Dec. 2. Sponsored by the City of Rock Hill, the conference will be held to formally announce that Rock Hill has, once again, been chosen as the best city in South Carolina for children. A number of programs in Rock Hill Schools, including Back the Pack, were cited as reasons why the City was chosen for this prestigious honor.
Math & Science Academy for Fifth Graders
The Duke Energy Foundation is sponsoring a "Math & Science Academy for 5th Graders" from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3, at the Rock Hill YMCA on Charlotte Avenue. The cost to participate will be $20. Students can be registered online at   

Parent Time is The Factor in Student Achievement

You should go to Cool Cat Teacher Blog to read the full post. Click here to go there.

The fact is that student success is more highly correlated with the parent than the teacher. A 2005 study through Harvard (Parental Involvement and Student Achievement: A Meta-Analysis) that looked at all research studies about parenting and school success found that:

"Two of the patterns that emerged from the findings were that the facets of parental involvement that required a large investment of time, such as reading and communicating with one's child, and the more subtle aspects of parental involvement, such as parental style and expectations, had a greater impact on student educational outcomes than some of the more demonstrative aspects of parental involvement, such as having household rules, and parental attendance and participation at school functions."

Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting Notes

The Rock Hill School Board held its November Business meeting on Monday, November 28, 2011. These are my notes from the meeting:

Action items (all were 7-0 votes):
  • approved the consent agenda consisting of; minutes from the Oct. 24 and Nov. 14 meetings; personnel recommendations; facility rental for Impact and Elevation churches; a request from Transformation Church to use facilities at South Pointe; an overnight field study request from the Applied Technology Center; and approved travel for Trustees Norwood, Reid, and Brown to attend the S.C. School Board Assn.’s Legislative Advocacy Conference/ and Annual Business Meeting in Hilton Head
  • approved policies EBBA (Prevention of Disease/Infection Transmission), JLCC (Communicable/Infectious Diseases), JICFAA (Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying), ADB (Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco-Free Schools), JICG (Tobacco Use by Students), ADC Tobacco-Free Schools), and BCB (Board Member Conflict of Interest) for second and final reading
  • approved new course proposals for school year 2012-13. These include AP Statistics, IB Ab Initio Mandarin Chinese, Fundamentals of Digital Media, Journalism 3 Honors Newspaper Production, Visual Arts IB SL/HL, and Law-Related Education Honors

The board recognized the following :
  •  Lynn Fulton-Archer (Richmond Drive) on her selection by the National Collegiate Spanish Honor Society as S.C.’s Spanish Teacher of the Year
  • Denise Reeves Khaalid (South Pointe) on her selection by the S.C. Assn. of School Administrators as the 2012 High School Assistant Principal of the Year
  • student winners of the “Artists of Tomorrow” art exhibit sponsored by the York Technical College Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa, on Nov. 8
The board heard the following announcements or reports:
  • A Calendar Committee, comprised of 16 members, including parents, high school students, teachers, and administrators met on Nov. 22 to review the State’s and District’s guidelines for determining a master school calendar for 2012-2013. The board will receive a progress report at its work session on Dec. 12
  • The current “School Talk” show on Cable 114 features principals Neil McVann, Brenda Campbell, Stephen Ward, and Dr. Sandra Lindsay-Brown talking about schools of choice options for school year 2012-13. The times and dates for “School Talk” are shown on the bulletin board on Cable 114.
  • The Superintendent will meet with student leaders at Sullivan Middle School on Tuesday, Dec. 13. This will be her seventh chat with high school or middle school students this school year
  • The South Pointe Stallions will play the Bluffton Bobcats from Beaufort in the 3A state football championship at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, in the Clemson Memorial Stadium
  • Assoc. Supt. Luanne Kokolis provided information on the district’s School Choice Fair held on Nov. 17.  144 parents attended.  Schools of Choice and the Magnet Schools will be providing tours after the first of the year for parents considering a change for their child
  • Rebecca Partlow, Executive Director of Personnel, presented a personnel report for the 2011-12 school year. The district has 2194 employees. 122 are administrative; 1287 are certified; and 785 are support. Below is a graph showing personnel changes compared to student numbers:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lynn Moody on Straight Talk

Dr. Lynn Moody, Rock Hill School Superintendent, was interviewed on the Monday, November 28th edition of WRHI's Straight talk by Manning Kimmel. Click below to hear her comments on visiting NASA.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Why Parents Across America?

The School Board started an outreach program with our parents and achieved limited success. Maybe because we were board members and it should have been teachers and/or parents starting the discussion. The video below has a discussion from founders of Parents Across American on getting involved.

Click here for the video link.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

York County Schools Dashboard - Part 8


Saturday, November 26, 2011

York County Schools Dashboard - Part 7


Friday, November 25, 2011

York County Schools Dashboard - Part 6


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting on Monday

Meeting of the Board of Trustees 
Monday, November 28, 2011
6:00 p.m. – District Office Board Room

I.  Call to Order
 Approval of Agenda
(Under consent agenda, all action items will be voted on after one motion and second to approve them without  discussion.  If a board member wants any action item discussed or voted on separately, the board member, before the
agenda is approved, must ask that the action item be moved to the discussion item section.)

II.   Special Business
 A. Recognition of Distinguished Climbers
 B. Recognition of Lynn Fulton-Archer by the Nat’l Collegiate Spanish Honor Society
 C. Recognition of Denise Khaalid by S.C. Assn. of School Administrators

III. Citizen Participation
IV.   Consent Action Agenda
 A. Approval of Minutes
   1.  October 24, 2011 business meeting
   2.  November 14, 2011 work session
 B. Approval of Personnel Recommendations
 C.  Approval of Use of Facilities Request(s) (Impact, Elevation)
 D.  Approval of Use of Facility Request – Transformation Church
 E.  Approval of Overnight Field Study Request(s) (1)
 F.  Approval of Board Member Travel

V.   Communications

I. Report of the Superintendent
 A. Announcements
 B.   Showcase Student Work – RH Art Students/York Tech Students
 C. Personnel Status Report
 D. School Choice Fair

VII. Review of Work Session

VIII.  Action Agenda
 A. Approval of Policies EBBA, JLCC, JICFAA for 2nd reading
 B. Approval of Policies ADB, JICG, ADC for 2nd reading
 C. Approval of Policies BCB for 2nd reading
 D. Approval of New Course Proposal

IX. Executive Session – Property Matter and Student Matter

X. Other Business

XI. Adjournment

York County Dashboard (from report card) - Part 5


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

York County School Dashboard (from report card) - Part 4


York County Schools Dashboard (from state report card) - part 4


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

York County Dashboard (from state report cards) - part 3


South Pointe High School's Denise Khaalid - SC Assistant Principal of The Year

South Pointe High School Principal Al Leonard announced to the school Tuesday morning that Assistant Principal Denise Khaalid was the new South Carolina Assistant Principal of the Year. In a scene right out of the "Punked" television show, Denise was surprised with the news, made in front of her family, friends and school officials.

Denise will now represent the state in national competition.

Monday, November 21, 2011

York County School District Dashboard - Part 1

Some Charts
Ten years ago, 50% of York County students were in the Rock Hill School District.
Fort Mill has the lowest free and reduced lunch percentage in the state of South Carolina
The York percentage seems a little high and the Clover percentage a little low when compared to their other performance indicators.

Why Not in Rock Hill?

Should we be looking at a school of choice based on this model?

Click here for a link to the video.

York County Schools Dashboard (from state report card)- Part 2


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What Educators Think About Technology

Survey says professional development is the best use of technology in schools. Why do we not hear more about this?

Click here for a link to the video

Green, Helms, Allen, and Morgan Recognized at Rock Hill Chamber Event

Friday, November 18, 2011

A D-Pan Music Video

Click here for a link to the video.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tornado Just Misses South Pointe High School

Photo of Wednesday's Tornado by Martha Cook
From The South Pointe S.P.I.N magazine:

South Pointe dodges ‘bullet’ with apparent tornado

Nick Arsenault, Nora Duncan, Rileigh Glasgow, Hannah Vidallon, and Izzi Woodard
In the early morning after the storm district plant facilities workers go around South Pointe’s campus retrieving fallen trees and debris. The trees were piled into the back of the truck and taken away.
Tornados hit Rock Hill like a surprise attack yesterday. They aren’t very common here, especially near South Pointe High School. Usually, reports of twisters come from LancasterorChester.
Copy editor Blake Roberts, who job shadowed coroner Sabrina Gast Wednesday, used her business card to call her from Newspaper Production class for confirmation of the names and ages of tornado victims killed yesterday: Oran Courtney, 60, Charles Kenneth Hasner, 60, and Barbara Hasner, 62.
Here at South Pointe, the varsity football team was trying to get in repetitions at every position to prepare for the Friday’s playoff game against Fairfield Central. The skies darkened around 6 p.m.; the area had been under a tornado watch for a while.  Suddenly, the wind picked up and reports came in that funnel clouds were forming near the school. Coach Mindy Best, along with other coaches, rushed the players off the field.
After all the student athletes were safe, Coach Robert Beckler said he made sure parents waiting for their children outside were escorted into the building safely.
“Our main concern was getting our athletes to safety,” Beckler said. He wasn’t sure how serious everything was until he received pictures from an athlete’s father of two funnel clouds, which the dad had taken with his cell phone onCherry Road.  
“All the guidelines that were in place were sufficient and all coaches and athletes adhered to safety procedures,” head wrestling Coach Eddie Cook said Thursday.
District 3 Tech Support’s Debbie Alcorn, a woman devoted to her job, worked through the afternoon after everyone left, even during the tornados. “I had no idea what was going on,” Alcorn said.  “The hail was beating against the window. The wind was whipping in the parking lot. But I knew the paper was on deadline.”
Funnel clouds passed over South Pointe High School grounds Wednesday afternoon, leaving a minimum amount of damage. Multiple trees were ripped from the ground, and the batting cage on the practice baseball field was damaged.
She and other tech support personnel had been putting in long hours reimaging every computer at South Pointe, the first high school in the district-wide technology update. Understanding the school newspaper deadlines, Alcorn said she hated to leave S.P.i.N. computer lab she was working on and wanted to make sure it was finished, no matter what.
Jimmy Chrismon, the theatre arts teacher, had to bring in the cast members of “Hello Dolly” to C-Hall during their final dress rehearsal. He was allowed to stay in the auditorium, but got all the members to safety.
Faculty and staff opened an email from Principal Al Leonard sent at 7:50 a.m. Thursday morning which commended the secretaries, parents, coaches, trainers and teachers who assisted in getting students to the appropriate areas and keeping them calm during “a scary and potentially dangerous situation,” Leonard said in the email.
“It went very smoothly,” Leonard stated Thursday. “We definitely dodged a bullet.”
Leonard did not yet know the cost of damages Thursday.
As for head football Coach Strait Herron, he was glad to see the sun out for Thursday’s practice, having missed valuable time during the severe weather.
“I was upset that we didn’t get the reps in yesterday, and today was supposed to be review, but we have to get that stuff done today,” Herron said during Football class Thursday.

Herron & Jeter Make All SC FCA Team

Those named to the 2011 Palmetto Champions All-Star Football Team include:
                                                          BACKS and LINEMEN
Big 16 Upper State
Quinshad Davis
Gaffney High School

Patrick Destefano
Dorman High School
Lower State
Shaq Roland
Lexington High School

Gimel President
Wando High School
AAAA Upper State
Shaq Williams
Lancaster High School

Mitchell Jeter
Rock Hill High School
Lower State
Virgil Smalls
Goose Creek High School

Josh Brown
South Aiken High School
AAA Upper State
Caleb Rowe
Blue Ridge High School

Shaquille Lawson
Daniel High School
Lower State
Dalvin Bracey
Lakewood High School

David Bryant
Cane Bay High School
AA Upper State
Raleigh Yeldell
Strom Thurmond High School

Javarius Leamon
Woodruff High School
Lower State
Kwinton Smith
Dillon High School

Bobby McNeal
Timberland High School
A Upper State
Hunter Townes
Christ Church

Oliver Jones
Ninety Six High School
Lower State
Jabril Solomon
Hemingway High School

Wesley Scott
Ridgeland High School

Big 16
Kaleb Patterson
Byrnes High School
Kyle Clark
Beaufort High School
Ryan Jansen
Marlboro County High School

Josh Fields
Whale Branch High School

Big 16 Upper State
Dan Jones
Gaffney High School
Lower State
Scott Early
Lexington High School
AAAA Upper State
Chad Smith
Easley High School
Lower State
Trey Woodberry
West Florence High School
AAA Upper State
Strait Herron
South Pointe High School
Lower State
Dean Howell
AC Flora High School
AA Upper State
Kyle Stewart
Liberty High School
Lower State
Jamie Snyder
Loris High School
A Upper State
Russell Schneider
Fox Creek High School
Lower State
Lewis Lineberger
Johnsonville High School

Distinguished Service Award

  Name:        Pete Yanity
Agency/Organization:        WSPA-TV Sports Director, Greenville SC

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