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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rock Hill Schools Update for Novermber 30, 2011

From Elaine Baker:
Rawlinson Road Dance Dept. to Entertain
The Rawlinson Road Middle School Dance Dept., directed by Elise Archie, will hold its annual Winter Concert at 6:00 p.m. on  Dec. 2 in the school auditorium. The cost will be one canned food item to be donated to the Salvation Army. The Rawlinson Road Middle School Dance Companies and Northwestern High School Ensembles, directed by Elise and Will Archie, will perform at ChristmasVille at 4:00 PM on Sunday afternoon at the Elk Avenue stage.
Elementary Honors Choir to Perform Dec. 4
The Elementary Honors Choir will present its Winter Concert at 3:00 PM, Sunday afternoon, Dec. 4, in the sanctuary of Oakland Baptist Church. Directed by Becky Sanderson and accompanied by Gwen Colter, associate director, the choir is comprised of 55 fourth and fifth graders chosen from the district's elementary schools. Admission will be free.
Applied Technology Center to Host America's Promise Press Conference
The Applied Technology Center ("C" Bldg.) will be the location for the America's Promise Press Conference at 10:30 AM, Friday morning, Dec. 2. Sponsored by the City of Rock Hill, the conference will be held to formally announce that Rock Hill has, once again, been chosen as the best city in South Carolina for children. A number of programs in Rock Hill Schools, including Back the Pack, were cited as reasons why the City was chosen for this prestigious honor.
Math & Science Academy for Fifth Graders
The Duke Energy Foundation is sponsoring a "Math & Science Academy for 5th Graders" from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3, at the Rock Hill YMCA on Charlotte Avenue. The cost to participate will be $20. Students can be registered online at   

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