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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting Notes

The Rock Hill School Board held its November Business meeting on Monday, November 28, 2011. These are my notes from the meeting:

Action items (all were 7-0 votes):
  • approved the consent agenda consisting of; minutes from the Oct. 24 and Nov. 14 meetings; personnel recommendations; facility rental for Impact and Elevation churches; a request from Transformation Church to use facilities at South Pointe; an overnight field study request from the Applied Technology Center; and approved travel for Trustees Norwood, Reid, and Brown to attend the S.C. School Board Assn.’s Legislative Advocacy Conference/ and Annual Business Meeting in Hilton Head
  • approved policies EBBA (Prevention of Disease/Infection Transmission), JLCC (Communicable/Infectious Diseases), JICFAA (Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying), ADB (Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco-Free Schools), JICG (Tobacco Use by Students), ADC Tobacco-Free Schools), and BCB (Board Member Conflict of Interest) for second and final reading
  • approved new course proposals for school year 2012-13. These include AP Statistics, IB Ab Initio Mandarin Chinese, Fundamentals of Digital Media, Journalism 3 Honors Newspaper Production, Visual Arts IB SL/HL, and Law-Related Education Honors

The board recognized the following :
  •  Lynn Fulton-Archer (Richmond Drive) on her selection by the National Collegiate Spanish Honor Society as S.C.’s Spanish Teacher of the Year
  • Denise Reeves Khaalid (South Pointe) on her selection by the S.C. Assn. of School Administrators as the 2012 High School Assistant Principal of the Year
  • student winners of the “Artists of Tomorrow” art exhibit sponsored by the York Technical College Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa, on Nov. 8
The board heard the following announcements or reports:
  • A Calendar Committee, comprised of 16 members, including parents, high school students, teachers, and administrators met on Nov. 22 to review the State’s and District’s guidelines for determining a master school calendar for 2012-2013. The board will receive a progress report at its work session on Dec. 12
  • The current “School Talk” show on Cable 114 features principals Neil McVann, Brenda Campbell, Stephen Ward, and Dr. Sandra Lindsay-Brown talking about schools of choice options for school year 2012-13. The times and dates for “School Talk” are shown on the bulletin board on Cable 114.
  • The Superintendent will meet with student leaders at Sullivan Middle School on Tuesday, Dec. 13. This will be her seventh chat with high school or middle school students this school year
  • The South Pointe Stallions will play the Bluffton Bobcats from Beaufort in the 3A state football championship at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, in the Clemson Memorial Stadium
  • Assoc. Supt. Luanne Kokolis provided information on the district’s School Choice Fair held on Nov. 17.  144 parents attended.  Schools of Choice and the Magnet Schools will be providing tours after the first of the year for parents considering a change for their child
  • Rebecca Partlow, Executive Director of Personnel, presented a personnel report for the 2011-12 school year. The district has 2194 employees. 122 are administrative; 1287 are certified; and 785 are support. Below is a graph showing personnel changes compared to student numbers:

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