Monday, November 30, 2009
Other School Boards Have Issues Too
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Rock Hill School Board November Business Meeting Action Item Results
- Voted 7-0 to approve the following consent agenda items; minutes, personnel recommendations; 2 overnight field trip requests; an amended 2009-10 budget; and Jim Vining's January board compensation to the Northside Elementary School of the Arts.
- Voted 7-0 to approve the use of the Flexible Learning Center's Gym by the Rock Hill Volleyball Club
- Voted 6-1 (Brown against) to allow Impact Community Church to continue meeting at Rawlinson Road Middle school for another 6 months.
- Voted 7-0 to approve the following policies; IKF; IJ; GBEB; GCF; GCQA/GCQB; GDF
- Voted 7-0 to approve policy DFAC for first reading
- Voted 7-0 to approve new high school courses for next year
- Voted 7-0 to return 3 students to school
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Northwestern Cheerleaders Just Short of State Championship
At left, picture of trophies (From The State Newspaper)
At left, picture of NHS Cheerleaders on break (From The State Newspaper)
Below is a short clip of NHS Cheerleaders (from The State Newspaper)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting on Monday
Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Monday, November 23, 2009
6:00 p.m. – District Office Board Room
I. Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
(Under consent agenda, all action items will be voted on after one motion and second to approve them without discussion. If a board member wants any action item discussed or voted on separately, the board member, before the agenda is approved, must ask that the action item be moved to the discussion item section.)
II. Citizen Participation
III. Special Business
A. Recognition of Dr. Al Leonard by the Journalism Education & National Scholastic Press Assocs.
B. Recognition of Dr. Cynthia Smith, Cathy Griffin & Bud Cope as Social Studies Educators of Distinction
C. Recognition of Rock Hill’s Adult Education Program
D. Recognition of Dr. Lynn Moody as Superintendent of the Year by S.C. Adult Education Directors
IV. Consent Action Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
1. October 26, 2009 business meeting
2. November 9, 2009 work session
B. Approval of Personnel Recommendations
C. Approval of Overnight Field Trip Requests (2)
D. Approval of Amended 2009-10 Budget
V. Communications
VI. Report of the Superintendent
A. Announcements
B. Outreach Report
C. Human Resources/Professional Development Report
D. Reassignment
VII. Review of Work Session
VIII. Action Agenda
A. Use of Facilities Request – RH Volleyball Club
B. Use of Facilities Request – Impact Community Church
C. Policies IKF, IJ – 2nd Reading
D. Policies GBEB, GCF, GCQA/GCQB, GDF – 2nd Reading
E. Policy DFAC – 1st Reading
F. New Course Proposals
IX. Other Business
X. Executive Session – Student Matters
XI. Adjourn
Best Place to Raise a Family?
For the second consecutive year, Rock Hill has been selected by BusinessWeek magazine as one of the best places in the U.S. to raise a family. One city from each state was selected based on school performance, household expenditures, crime rate, air quality, job growth, family income, diversity, museums/parks/theaters, and other amenities. The magazine states to readers: "If it's all about schools for you, Rock Hill, S.C., also took its second win." BusinessWeek touted that our public schools are among the best in the state, and "it can't hurt that the city is home to Winthrop University, which was ranked as one of the best public universities in the Southeast in 2006."
Adviser Cathy Griffin and Northwestern's Model UN teams (Russia and China) won top awards recently at the regional Model UN competition at Clemson University.
Lynn Fulton-Archer, world language specialist at Richmond Drive, has been elected to the board of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
Beverly Laney, choral director at SPHS, had 17 students audition for the S.C. All-State Chorus and 13 (or 59% of her chorus) made it.
Jonathan Hall, choral director at RHHS, had 10 students accepted in the S.C. All-State Chorus. Six students made the honors choir, and two made a perfect score on sight reading.
The NHS Choral Department, directed by Eugene Bumgardner, will present its Annual Christmas Concert on Dec. 2, 3, and 4. Along with the Troubadours, Singers, Trouveres, and Encore, the Rawlinson Road chorus will be featured on Dec. 2, while the choruses from Sullivan and Dutchman Creek will perform on Dec. 3. The Dec. 4 performance will feature all four choruses. Admission will be $5/adults and $3/students.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Help With Student Power Point Presentations
2. Use a simple slide design
3. Use lots of pictures
4. Use cue cards or notes
5. Rehearse at home and it will be fun
Webcam Interviews?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Looking For A Neat Christmas Gift?
Northside Elementary School of the Arts, Rock Hill's Best Kept Secret?
What would make this school worthy of choice?
For one, every child participates. If they attend K - 5, they will participate in 6 on stage performances during their time at Northside. Think about it. The number one fear people have is public speaking, overcoming stage fright will give students self confidence to interact and become engaged in learning.
The School received the Creative Ticket National School of Distinction for Arts Integration Award from the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 2006-07. The only non magnet school to do so. The staff is trained in arts integration and is the only elementary school in York County to have certified arts teachers in dance, drama, music, and visual art. All students participate in grade level presentations. Fifth grade produces a full musical Disney Broadway Kids show.
Northside is Rock Hill's best kept secret, but hopefully, not for very long.
Now, for that Red Cockaded Woodpecker in the upper left corner, look close and you'll see students, teachers and parents. Watch the 14 minute video below to see how they did it.
A Woodpecker's Dream from Daniel Dancer on Vimeo.
You can watch the schools 2008 performance at The Kennedy Center by clicking here. (RealPlayer required)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Northwestern High School Cheerleaders Win Upper State
Article on Sullivan Middle School in The AP Insight E-newsletter
Creating a Culture of Caring and Excellence
By Michael Waiksnis, principal, Sullivan Middle School, Rock Hill, SC; and Gwen Lindsey, Jennise Knight, and Darin Pearson, assistant principals at Sullivan
Rock Hill School Board Work Session Notes
- The administration will develop a recommendation to reassign students from Mt. Holly and Oakdale to improve balance.
- The administration will bring to the November Business meeting a proposal to add 8 courses to the high school course catalog (Honors Orchestra, Art IV Honors, Desktop Publishing, HL IB Mathematics, AP Human Geography, Control and Inventory Management in Warehouses and Distribution Centers, Renaissance 101, and SC History).
- The administration will recommend a wording change to Policy DFAC (Fund Balance) which will clear up the fund balance amount to be targeted.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Rock Hill High's Playoff Bracket Has Been Announced
Northwestern and South Pointe High School 2009 Playoff Bracket Announced
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Rock Hill School Board To Talk About Reassignment at Monday's Work Session
- Do we reassign students from Mt. Holly and Oakdale to achieve improved balance?
- Do we reassign students from Mt. Holly, Oakdale, Lesslie, Northside, and Belleview to achieve improved balance? (This would mean reassigning students from multiple schools - more than those listed, create new pockets, and have students traveling through school zones)
- Do we review data this year, assess economic impact on school population this year, and target elementary reassignment for 2010-2011?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
News From The Rock Hill School District
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Results From the October 26, 2009 Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting
- Consent agenda including minutes and and personnel
- Second and Final Reading of Policies; JCR; JIH; JLCEE; and JIHC
- First reading of Policies; IKF; IJ; GBEB; GCF; GCQB; and GDF
- Suspended Policy DFAC to allow the fund balance to go below the minimum amount set in policy to cover for reduced state funding.
- Letter to local legislative delegation (below)
The Honorable Robert W. Hayes, Jr. 205 Gressette BIdg Columbia, SC 29201 Dear Senator Hayes: The City of Rock Hill, Rock Hill Schools and York County are submitting this letter to you today to express our strong opposition of H3272. We collectively have several concerns with the bill in its present form. H3272 goes against Act 388's original intent of preventing long time homeowners from being taxed out of their homes. By placing this financial burden on longtime homeowners in our community and not allowing property taxes to equal actual value, the already unfair and inequitable taxing structure for homeowners will be further complicated. Furthermore, this appears to be an attempt to fix an economic problem without credible research demonstrating that point of sale positively affects home sales. By H3272 protecting rapidly appreciating property from ever being taxed at 100 percent, the burden of revenue losses will, once again, fall on the shoulders of our respective organizations. Moreover, commercial and industrial businesses in our area may be faced with additional tax increases that are necessary to continue essential services. With the impact of the reduction in revenues from Act 388, budget cuts from the state, and overall downturn in the economy, this is simply a loss that none of us can afford to take. We are asking you to vote against H3272 and the consequences it will have on our community. Should you have any questions or need additional information about our opposition, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your consideration of this request and your commitment to bettering the lives of citizens in Rock Hill and York County. Sincerely, Doug Echols, Mayor Bob Norwood, Board Chair Houston "Buddy" Motz, Council Chair City of Rock Hill Rock Hill Schools York County |
Rock Hill Schools Announce 45 Day Student Count
Blog Archive
- Other School Boards Have Issues Too
- Rock Hill School Board November Business Meeting A...
- Northwestern Cheerleaders Just Short of State Cham...
- Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting on Monday
- Best Place to Raise a Family?
- Help With Student Power Point Presentations
- Webcam Interviews?
- Looking For A Neat Christmas Gift?
- Northside Elementary School of the Arts, Rock Hill...
- Northwestern High School Cheerleaders Win Upper State
- Article on Sullivan Middle School in The AP Insigh...
- Rock Hill School Board Work Session Notes
- Rock Hill High's Playoff Bracket Has Been Announced
- Northwestern and South Pointe High School 2009 Pla...
- Rock Hill School Board To Talk About Reassignment ...
- News From The Rock Hill School District
- Results From the October 26, 2009 Rock Hill School...
- Rock Hill Schools Announce 45 Day Student Count
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- Setting Up Effective Group Work - 1/11/2018
- Framing Difficult Feedback for Parents - 1/11/2018
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