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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Northside Elementary School of the Arts, Rock Hill's Best Kept Secret?

Rock Hill School District's award winning Northside Elementary School of the Arts might soon be available to all district students as our third school of choice. The school is investigating that possibility for the 2010-11 school year.
What would make this school worthy of choice?
For one, every child participates. If they attend K - 5, they will participate in 6 on stage performances during their time at Northside. Think about it. The number one fear people have is public speaking, overcoming stage fright will give students self confidence to interact and become engaged in learning.
The School received the Creative Ticket National School of Distinction for Arts Integration Award from the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 2006-07. The only non magnet school to do so. The staff is trained in arts integration and is the only elementary school in York County to have certified arts teachers in dance, drama, music, and visual art. All students participate in grade level presentations. Fifth grade produces a full musical Disney Broadway Kids show.
Northside is Rock Hill's best kept secret, but hopefully, not for very long.
Now, for that Red Cockaded Woodpecker in the upper left corner, look close and you'll see students, teachers and parents. Watch the 14 minute video below to see how they did it.

A Woodpecker's Dream from Daniel Dancer on Vimeo.

You can watch the schools 2008 performance at The Kennedy Center by clicking here. (RealPlayer required)

Northside's staff is pictured below:

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