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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rock Hill School Board November Business Meeting Action Item Results

The Rock Hill School Board took the following action at it's regularly scheduled November business meeting on Monday, November 23, 2009:
  • Voted 7-0 to approve the following consent agenda items; minutes, personnel recommendations; 2 overnight field trip requests; an amended 2009-10 budget; and Jim Vining's January board compensation to the Northside Elementary School of the Arts.
  • Voted 7-0 to approve the use of the Flexible Learning Center's Gym by the Rock Hill Volleyball Club
  • Voted 6-1 (Brown against) to allow Impact Community Church to continue meeting at Rawlinson Road Middle school for another 6 months.
  • Voted 7-0 to approve the following policies; IKF; IJ; GBEB; GCF; GCQA/GCQB; GDF
  • Voted 7-0 to approve policy DFAC for first reading
  • Voted 7-0 to approve new high school courses for next year
  • Voted 7-0 to return 3 students to school

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