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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Results From the October 26, 2009 Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting

The following action items were approved by all 7 Board Members:
  • Consent agenda including minutes and and personnel
  • Second and Final Reading of Policies; JCR; JIH; JLCEE; and JIHC
  • First reading of Policies; IKF; IJ; GBEB; GCF; GCQB; and GDF
  • Suspended Policy DFAC to allow the fund balance to go below the minimum amount set in policy to cover for reduced state funding.
  • Letter to local legislative delegation (below)

The Honorable Robert W. Hayes, Jr.

205 Gressette BIdg

Columbia, SC 29201

Dear Senator Hayes:

The City of Rock Hill, Rock Hill Schools and York County are submitting this letter to you

today to express our strong opposition of H3272. We collectively have several concerns with

the bill in its present form. H3272 goes against Act 388's original intent of preventing long time

homeowners from being taxed out of their homes. By placing this financial burden on longtime

homeowners in our community and not allowing property taxes to equal actual value, the

already unfair and inequitable taxing structure for homeowners will be further complicated.

Furthermore, this appears to be an attempt to fix an economic problem without credible

research demonstrating that point of sale positively affects home sales.

By H3272 protecting rapidly appreciating property from ever being taxed at 100 percent,

the burden of revenue losses will, once again, fall on the shoulders of our respective

organizations. Moreover, commercial and industrial businesses in our area may be faced with

additional tax increases that are necessary to continue essential services. With the impact of

the reduction in revenues from Act 388, budget cuts from the state, and overall downturn in the

economy, this is simply a loss that none of us can afford to take.

We are asking you to vote against H3272 and the consequences it will have on our

community. Should you have any questions or need additional information about our

opposition, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your consideration of this request and your commitment to bettering the

lives of citizens in Rock Hill and York County.


Doug Echols, Mayor Bob Norwood, Board Chair Houston "Buddy" Motz, Council Chair

City of Rock Hill Rock Hill Schools York County

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