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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rock Hill School News For Thursday, July 29, 2010

Persons who would like to donate an item or items for the silent auction for the district's mega fundraiser on August 21 are requested to contact Assoc. Supt. Luanne Kokolis  at 981-1045 ASAP. Thanks to Linda Crute, principal at Northside Elementary School of The Arts, the district has secured a brand new car for a year's use, compliments of Toyota, to include in the auction. 

Sandra Lindsay-Brown, principal of The Children's School at Sylvia Circle, recently accepted a Chairman's appointment to the  S.C. School Improvement Council Board to fill the remaining one year of an unexpired term. When the term concludes in the summer of 2011, Dr. Lindsay-Brown will be eligible to vie for an elected three-year term on the board.      

The Children's School at Sylvia Circle, has for the past two years, been one of the top five finalists for the Dick and Tunky Riley award which recognizes the state most outstanding school improvement council.

India Hook Elementary's environmental club was recognized on June 23 as "outstanding" by S. C. DHEC at a state-level awards ceremony in Columbia. The district extends special congratulations to Christina Selle-Schmittle, a fourth-grade teacher, who serves as the club's adviser.

The Rock Hill Elks Lodge #1318 has again decided to purchase dictionaries for all third grade students, their teachers, and principals. The dictionaries will be delivered to the schools in September. 

Employees in our elementary and middle schools will return to their home school effective August 2 when the district  returns to a five-day work week.

Tickets are  available for the Little River Band concert on August 11 in the Old Town (City Hall) Amphitheater.  A portion of the proceeds from the concert will be used to purchase supplies for teachers. Current Teachers of the Year will be special guests at the concert. They will sit in a reserved section, get their picture made with the band, and be formally introduced just before the band begins to play.

Senator Wes Hayes will hold a Public Meeting this Monday, August 2, 2010 at Fewell Park, beginning at 7:00 PM.

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