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Monday, July 5, 2010

Staying Current

Do you remember an “Inconvenient Truth”? The documentary that tried to convince everyone about global warming. Of course, if you watch Fox, you know about other issues which were not brought up.  Well, the guy that produced "Inconvenient Truth" has now produced, "Waiting For Superman" .  A documentary which goes to great detail about problems in public schools and how the solution is charter schools. Doesn't mention the good going on in public schools or how much some of those charter schools cost per child. The release date is scheduled for this fall when schools start back up. Wonder if Fox will give the balanced version for this documentary? Finds links and some comments on this documentary by clicking on "Waiting For Superman".

The second link is about how a new School Tech Person took off most of the internet filters (Youtube and GMail primarily) and put in a system to treat the offenders and allow the balance to get to quality material which had been banned. Read the story by clicking Web Filters.

The last link - someone has put together a list of 161 Youtube video's you should watch. Click on 161 Best Youtube Video's - if you have the time.

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