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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rock Hill Schools To Hold Fundraiser on Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rock Hill Schools is planning a  fundraiser on Saturday, August 21, from 8 am until
2 pm at the Operations Center and at the Applied Technology Center on West Main Street (Hwy. 5). Details are below:
Used district equipment, furniture, and vehicles will be for sale to the highest bidder at the Operations Center on West Main (Hwy. 5). Proceeds from the auction will go into the district's fund balance. For specific details, contact Brian Vaughan at 981-1100.
Car Show
A car show, which will feature  classic or muscle cars, will be held on the campus of the Applied Technology Center. Trophies will be awarded in all categories.
Yard Sale
A giant yard sale will be held on the campus of the Applied Technology Center under the covered walkways facing Northwestern High School. The community is asked to contribute items to their preferred school for sale. Schools will  keep the money they raise. (Tables will not be set up until early Saturday morning, so the yard sale won't begin until 8 am.)
Silent Auction
The district is appealing to the community to donate an item or items for a silent auction. Persons who wish to contribute an item should contact Dr. Sarah Lynn Hayes, at the Central Child Development Center (980-2060), or Ana Glosson, in the district office (981-3635). Items, with a suggested beginning price, will be accepted until the close of the workday on August 13. Proceeds from the silent auction will go into the district's fund balance.
Art Sale
The district is looking to its talented artists--students and employees--to donate a piece of art for sale. Interested persons should contact Dr. Luanne Kokolis in the district office at 981-1045. 
Food and drinks will be for sale in the Culinary Arts Dept. at the ATC.

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