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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rock Hill School News For Saturday, September 18, 2010

Special Notes:
  • Northwestern High Schools' Col. Arthur Ahl who has been invited to take four of his Air Force Junior Officer Training Cadets to Washington, D.C. to represent the National Science Center at a meeting of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Assn. on Sept. 27 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The cadets will demonstrate several of the NSC's math and science modules in front of the highest ranking officers in all branches of the military and from the Pentagon and representatives from major corporations.
  • Laurel Hinton, art teacher at Old Pointe Elemementary School, has been recognized by Artsonia, the world's largest online kid's art museum, for outstanding leadership in the area of Arts Education. The school's online art gallery ( ranks #8 in South Carolina, according to Artsonia.
  • Kim White, a grade 3 teacher at India Hook Elementary School, had her article, "Friendly Letters" published in the Aug.-Sept. edition of The Mailbox. This is the 7th time that Kim's work has been accepted.
  • Jeryl Christmas, a grade 4 teacher at Lesslie Elementary School, has had a children's book, The Alphabugs, published through Tate Publishing Company. Check it out at php?w=978-1-61739-029-6.
  • Sandy Andrews has been selected by the Office of Adult Education at the S.C. Dept. of Education to oversee one of five regional adult education technical assistance centers. Sandy will work closely with adult education programs in Region V to ensure that quality programs are in place, and that adult educators receive the technical assistance and training they need.
  • The first School Talk show this year is now being televised on Comporium Cable 18. Hosted by Supt. Lynn Moody, segments highlight the Positive Deviant Visionary Team and how being featured on national TV benefits our district and the community. School Talk is produced by students in Martha Menchinger's visual communications class at the Applied Technology Center.
  • A debate between Democrat Frank Holleman and Republican Mick Zais, candidates for the S.C. Supt. of Education, will be held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, Sept. 20, on SCPBS radio.

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