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Monday, September 27, 2010

Rock Hill Schools September Business Meeting Notes

The Board took the following action - all 6-0 votes. Silverman was absent again.:

  • Approve the consent agenda including; minutes; personnel recommendations; Use of facilities at Rawlinson Road Middle School for Impact Community Church; 7 field study requests; a reduction in driver education fees; and a reclassification for the director of facilities.
  • Approved policy GBEBDA (Background checks) for final reading.
  • First reading approval of policy FB - facilities management- to require a capital 5 year plan to be updated yearly.
  • A General Obligation Bond and a funding formula that would not allow a capital milage increase for this year. Milage would be capped at 52.
In other action:
  • recognized employees of the district who have been selected by building administrators as exhibiting The Rock Hill Climb.
  • Recognized The Elks Lodge for giving dictionaries to all third graders.
  • Recognized Patti Tate as the new District Teacher of the Year.
  • Received an update on the new cell phone policy for students (32% fewer infractions)
  • Got an update on SAT results
  • Heard a report on the recent Late Start
  • Heard a report on the District's Crisis Plan
  • Heard that Keenan Suggs will now be managing employee benefits enrollment and insurance services.
  • Heard that enrollment is down by 232 students at the 45 day count. 347 students are at York Prep Charter school. The elementary schools are down 407, middle school is up 30 and high school is up 151.
Parent Lynn Melton spoke to the board under citizen participation. As a parent who has had to pay $25 per child, she questioned; credit card expenditures of $13,000 to grocery stores and restaurants during June when students were only in school for 4 days; $15,000 to Target and Walmart plus $6,000 to restaurants during August; and why the district isn't relying more on donations and volunteers like what York Prep is doing.

Chairman Norwood suggested she make an appointment with the district for an explanation on those charges. You can see those charges on the school web site by clicking here.

There was a lengthy discussion on the bonds. Too lengthy to post notes here. Watch CN2's replay of the meeting on Tuesday.

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