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Friday, September 10, 2010

Sullivan, Technology, and Capital Projects Will Be On The Rock Hill School Board's Agenda For Monday's Work Session

 Each year the district spends 8% capital money to maintain the schools and keep them up to date with technology. The board will be discussing the recommendations from the administration  in these areas:
  • Infrastructure upgrades - $300,000
  • 1-to-1 hybrid / computer replacement – $900,000
  • Wireless overlay – $930,000
  • Student handheld devices (iPod Touch) – $85,000
  • Destiny upgrades for remaining schools – $10,000
  • Printer additions and upgrades – $50,000
  • Promethean packages - approx. 25 (mainly special areas, remaining spec. ed, etc.) $125,000
  • Virtual server addition – $10,000
  • Finance system upgrade – $60,000
  • Staff Training – $30,000
Total – $2.5 Million

From the District's 5-year Technology Plan:
Current Technology Inventory 
  • Over 5,000 PCs 
  • Over 2000 laptops 
  • Over 750 Promethean Boards 
  • Over 850 projectors 
  • Over 1000 classroom sound systems 
  • Over 40 Servers 
  • Wireless access in hotspots in schools
Current Technology Support Strategies 
  • Centralized district help desk 
  • One computer technician for every school 
  • Additional network support staff centrally located 
  • One lead technology integration specialist for each school 
  • Additional instructional technology support staff centrally located 
  • District-level interdisciplinary team for planning and implementation 

You can see the District's FULL 5 Year Technology Plan by clicking here.
The District's Capital wish list is as follows (in prioritized order):
  1. Backup Power Improvements for Critical Communications Equipment at various sites. $60,000
  2. Parking and Traffic Improvements for Ebinport Elementary School. $550,000
  3. Foundation Repair for Media Center at Finley Road. $30,000
  4. Replace/Upgrade Emergency Generator and Switching for Northside Elementary School of the Arts. $50,000
  5. Replace/Upgrade Emergency Generator and Switching for Rock Hill High School. $60,000
  6. Install Additional Security Cameras at South Pointe High School. $8,400
  7. Install Additional Security Cameras at Rawlinson Road. $8,400
  8. Replace Front Entrance Deceleration Lane at Mt. Holly Elementary. $25,000
  9. HVAC upgrade for print center at District Office. $5,000
  10. Install Partition for Enhanced Access Control at Sunset Park Elementary School. $25,000
  11. Install Partition for Enhanced Access Control at Rosewood Elementary School. $14,500
  12. Install Partition for Enhanced Access Control at Northside Elementary School. $14,500
  13. Install Partition for Enhanced Access Control at Belleview Elementary School. $14,500
  14. Replace and Upgrade HVAC Systems and Controls for Independence Elementary. $575,000
  15. Replace some roof sections at Richmond Drive Elementary School. $196,350
  16. Replace Public Address System at Finley Road Elementary School. $12,000
  17. Install additional Heat in Music Room at Rawlinson Road. $12,000
  18. Replace some roof sections at York Road Elementary School. $364,290
  19. Repave York Road Elementary School's Parking Lot. $110,000
  20. Renovate Sullivan Middle Schools Auditorium. $70,000
  21. Renovate Richmond Drive's B-hall bathrooms. $30,000
  22. Install Energy Improvements for Mobile units at Rebound. $4,950
  23. Renovate restrooms at Sullivan Middle School. $32,000
  24. Renovate restrooms at Phoenix Academy. $20,000
  25. Install fencing on property line for Old Pointe Elementary School. $8,000
  26. Replace Exterior Doors at Saluda Trail Middle School. $32,000
  27. Grounds restoration at various sites around the district. $46,160
  28. Re-paint Corridor Lockers at Sullivan Middle School. $19,500
  29. Replace Kitchen Floor at York Road Elementary. $24,000
  30. Repair/Replace Front Entrance Canopy at Northside Elementary School. $19,000
  31. Junior Varsity Football Locker replacement at Northwestern High School. $32,000
  32. Install lights for Central Child Development Center sign. $1,900
  33. Xeriscape 4 courtyards to reduce turf maintenance at Sullivan Middle School. $22,000
  34. Replace Binding Machine at the District Office Print Center. $3,550
Total $2.5 Million
The meeting agenda is below:

LOCATION: District Office

START: 5:30

DATE: September 13, 2010

1 Sullivan Presentation
30 minutes

2 Technology Plan Kokolis / Whitesides 30 minutes
3 Capital Plan Tony Cox 30 minutes
4 Facilities Master Plan Cox / Kokolis 15 minutes

5 Executive Session - Property and Personnel Matters

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