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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Should Schools Blog?

An interesting video from Britain:

Monday, May 30, 2011

Comporium Cable TV to Broadcast Live Coverage of Rock Hill School Graduations

Rock Hill's Comporium Cable TV will broadcast each high schools graduation ceremony live on Saturday, June 4, 2011 on cable channel 114. Replays (in bold below) will also be broadcast on channel 114

South Pointe High School  will air at 10 a.m. June 4.
June 8 at 6:00 p.m. and June 17 at 6:00 p.m.
Rock Hill High School will air at 2 p.m. June 4.
June 8 at 8:00 p.m. and June 17 at 8:00 p.m.
Northwestern High School will air at 6 p.m. June 4.
June 9 at 8:00 p.m. and June 20 at 8:00 p.m.

If you get the honor of attending the ceremony in person, here are your rules:

Persons who plan to attend high school commencement exercises on June 3 or 4 in the Winthrop Coliseum should be informed of the follow requirements for attendance:
  • Tickets are required for admission, including infants and small children.
  • Business casual or church dress is required. Shorts, hats, tank tops, t-shirts, or beach-type shoes are not appropriate.
  • Disruptions during the ceremony could result in removal from the facility. Air horns, yelling, and shouting, etc., will not be permitted.
  • Reserved seating for persons with disabilities will be available at the lower floor level and along the top row of the Coliseum seating area. One other person may sit with these individuals during the ceremony.
  • Winthrop University and local high schools agree that the final decision in all matters relating to security, public safety, public conduct and decorum, will rest with Winthrop University.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Using Social Media

Some of you may know of Dianne Gallagher, the CN2 reporter and sometimes host of Comporium's cable TV news. What you may not know is  Dianne makes a lot of posts on Twitter (kokomodianne). Just recently, one of her posts was picked up by the New York Times on a discussion of the proper way to pronounce Van Wyck. I follow Dianne on Twitter because you can stay current on local and state politics as well as local news and sports. She usually does a very good job.

And she is not alone. The city of Rock Hill has made an aggressive move to enter the social communication age. Their Twitter site, RockHillSCCity keeps you informed of road work and utility issues. Not to mention they are trying to connect through their Open City Hall site. Political consultants Phil Bailey and Wesley Donehue are communicating South Carolina issues as well as bringing civility back into politics with their Pub Politics internet show. Their language is sometimes too salty for my taste, but their effort to improve politics in South Carolina is outstanding!

That brings me to the Rock Hill School District (BTH's). They now have a minor presence on facebook and some schools are using Twitter. I applaud their initial efforts and look forward to their move to  more platforms such as Twitter and youtube.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

York County State House Members Vote for Vouchers

Picture From Fitsnews
John King was the only local state house member to vote against the recent voucher bill (and in essence - for public education). If you follow my blog, you know what I think about that. The State Newspaper's Cindi Ross Scoppe explains it very well here.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Rock Hill School Board May Business Meeting Notes

These are my notes from the May Rock Hill School Board business meeting held on May 23, 2011:
  • The board approved the consent agenda with a 7-0 vote. Included in the consent agenda was; minutes of the April 25 and May 9 board meetings; personnel recommendations; use-of-facilities requests from Impact Church, World Changers and YMCA; textbook adoptions for school year 2011-12; A Field Trip Request for York Road Elementary School; board travel for Jane Sharp and Ginny Moe to attend New Board Orientation in Columbia (required by state law for all new school board members); and distribution of Jim Vining's board compensation for May to the Middle School Honors Choir.
  • The board approved second reading of Policy JLA by a 7-0 vote. This now becomes policy and will require all students to show proof of insurance or to purchase insurance through the school before they will be allowed to participate in any activities related to sports, cheer-leading, or band.
  • The board recognized winners of the S.C. History Day Competition who have qualified to compete in National History Day competition this summer.
  • The board recognized adviser Cindy Koon and two members of the staff of South Pointe High School's newspaper, "South Pointe in the News (SPiN)" on their 4th state championship in Class 2. Individual members of the staff were also recognized for their leadership and awards received this past school year.
  • The board recognized Patti Tate, Northwestern  High School and District Teacher of the Year, on her selection as the South Carolina Teacher of the Year, 2011-12;
  • The board listened to teachers Derek McQuiston (India Hook Elementary School), Chris Odom (Dutchman Creek Middle School), and Chris Rashley (Rock Hill High School) and several of their students showcase their work using iPods and iPads. All three teachers mentioned the benefits of having a paperless classroom. 
  • The board met in Executive Session for a student attendance matter and a contractual matter with the city.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rock Hill Students Qualify For National History Day Event

The following students won South Carolina State-wide recognition and qualified to go to national competition or qualified as an alternate during the April 30 National History Day competition.

Award School Subject Students Teachers
National Qualifier - Jr. Group Exhibit Rawlinson Road Middle School Death Penalty Hunter Hamlin Brandi King
Hughes Holler
Jacob Pope
Mikah Jones
National Qualifier - Jr. Group Exhibit Rawlinson Road Middle School Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Lindsey Looper Brandi King
Julia Panas
National Qualifier - Jr. Individual Documentary Sullivan Middle School Cuban Missle Crisis Don Barnes Kelly Gibson
National Qualifier - Sr. Group Website Rock Hill High School Abortion: Legal Murder or Ensured Safety Julie Chea Tina Janus & Haley Whyte
Robyn Cornett
Bailey Freeman
Anna Rollo
National Qualifier - Sr. Individual Performance Rock Hill High School The Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906 Logan Cosper Tina Janus & Haley Whyte
National Qualifier - Jr. Group Performance Saluda Trail Middle School Japanese American Internment Camps Maddy Paladino Jim Koterba
Savannah Robinson
National Qualifier - Sr. Individual Website Rock Hill High School Approaching the Abyss: Cuban Missile Crisis Sutton Alexander Tina Janus & Haley Whyte

National Alternate - Jr. Individual Exhibit Dutchman Creek Middle School Nuremburg War Trials Reagan Rollins Bud Cope
National Alternate - Jr. Individual Performance Saluda Trail Middle School Truman's Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb Steven Bledsoe Jim Koterba
National Alternate - Jr. Individual Website Sullivan Middle School The War Between Men and Women Mary Kathryn McGregor Kelly Gibson
National Alternate - Sr. Historical Paper Rock Hill High School The Iran Hostage Crisis Brent Williams Tina Janus & Haley Whyte
National Alternate - Sr. Individual Documentary Rock Hill High School The Morality of Whale Hunting Sarah Clemens Tina Janus & Haley Whyte
National Alternate -Jr. Group Website Rawlinson Road Middle School The Negative Impact of Women Entering the Workforce Nikki Hageman Brandi King
Cassidy Malchow
Jade Morton
Adrian Rentz

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer Wrestling Camp At Northwestern High School

The 2011 NC-SC Wrestling Camp for children aged 6-18 will be held at Northwestern High School on June 22, 2011 from 9 am to 11 am. Click here for a brochure.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rock Hill High Summer Basketball Camp

Rock Hill High School will hold a morning summer basketball camp for children 6-13 June 7 - 9, 2011 . Click here for a brochure.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

YPA's Craig Craze on Straight Talk

Wednesday, May 18th
Craig Craze, Board Chairman – York Preparatory Academy
Topic:  Their new home

Friday, May 20, 2011

Update on Our Legislature

These guys don't look at the facts the same way I do. Let's just say that we agree to disagree. One of our Representatives, Gary Simrill, speaks at the 1 minute 38 second mark. I don't fault them for supporting choice, that's their opinion, and everyone should have one. I just find it hypocritical that some of those who support choice will also say they support public education. As Abraham Lincoln used to say, "That just wont plow"

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rock Hill Schools May Business Meeting This Monday

Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Monday, May 23, 2011
6:00 p.m. – District Office Board Room


I. Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
(Under consent agenda, all action items will be voted on after one motion and second to approve them without discussion. If a board member wants any action item discussed or voted on separately, the board member, before the agenda is approved, must ask that the action item be moved to the discussion item section.)

II. Special Business
    1. Recognition of “Distinguished Climbers”
    2. Recognition of State Winners of National History Day Competition
    3. Recognition of South Pointe SPiN Newspaper
    4. Recognition of Patti Tate, S.C. Teacher of the Year, 2011-12
  1. Citizen Participation
IV. Consent Action Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
1. April 25, 2011 business meeting
2. May 9, 2011 work session
B. Approval of Personnel Recommendations
C. Approval of Use of Facilities (Impact Church, World Changers, YMCA)
D. Approval of New Textbook Adoption
E. Approval of Board Travel (Moe/Sharp)
F. Approval of Distribution of Jim Vining’s Board Compensation
V. Communications
A. Legislative Update – Mr. Brown

VI. Report of the Superintendent
A. Announcements
B. Showcase Student Work – Technology

VII. Review of Work Session
VIII. Action Agenda
  1. Approval of Policy JLA – 2nd Reading
  1. Other Business
X. Executive Session – Student Matters (3), Contractual Matter (1)

XI. Adjournment

21st vs 20th Century Learning

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The AristoCats - by Northside Elementary School of the Arts

Message From Walter Brown - Rock Hill Schools Grass Roots Director

Bill 3407 was sent from the House Ways and Means Committee to the floor of the House and placed on their calendar today for consideration. I had contacted Rep. Simrill prior to its passage in committee to see if he thought it would pass in committee. His reply was that he did not think it would advance this session. Information that I have received was that he was a leader in getting it passed in committee.  He feels that the majority of his constituents support “choice” and that is why he supports tax credit/vouchers with his votes.  It is time to let him know that the people of his district support public education. As you can see by the names highlighted below that four members of the York County Delegation are sponsors of bill 3407. Please start contacting them now to let them know your thoughts on how they are supporting and whether they represent you or not.

Walter Brown

H. 3407


General Bill
Sponsors: Reps. Herbkersman, Owens, QuinnSimrill, Stringer, Bedingfield, Barfield, Bowen, Clemmons, Corbin, Delleney, Hamilton, Hardwick, Harrison, Henderson, Hixon, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, McCoy, D.C. Moss, Murphy, Nanney, Patrick, Pitts, Ryan, G.M. Smith, G.R. Smith, J.R. Smith, Sottile, Taylor, Viers, Crawford, Spires, Tribble, Lucas and Brantley
Document Path: l:\council\bills\agm\18339bh11.docx
Companion/Similar bill(s): 414

Introduced in the House on January 20, 2011
Currently residing in the House

Summary: Educational Opportunity Act

Voucher bill advances in House

Despite having what the Board of Economic Advisors (BEA) describes as a “substantial” fiscal impact on state finances – an estimated $2 billion upon full implementation – the House Ways and Means Committee on May 12 gave a favorable report to the tuition tax credit/voucher bill (H.3407), moving it to the House floor for debate.

With just nine legislative days remaining in the 2011 session (June 2 is the last day), it is most likely that the tuition tax credit/voucher bill will come up for debate on the House floor the week of May 23. According to BEA estimates, the state general fund  - which pays for law enforcement, prisons, Medicaid, education and more - would lose more than $800 million over the 13 years proposed for full implementation, and would need to be made up by tax increases or further cuts to an already bare-bones budget. Combined with the estimated reduction of more than $1 billion in appropriations to school districts, the total loss is about $2 billion.

Bill proponents have touted this year's version of the voucher bill as producing a "savings" for the state. The bill was amended in the Ways and Means Committee to state that the law sunsets in five years if a savings is not shown. The BEA's report, however, shows that beyond the first year there are no "savings" for the state, with the costs to the general fund quickly mounting annually. Proponents are disputing the BEA's report. Under the bill, "savings" to the state are, in fact, reduced appropriations to school districts due to public school students migrating to private schools. There are no local "savings" as costs to run schools will remain despite anticipated student migration. Districts would potentially see a “double hit” from the bill as revenue to the state budget are reduced from the tax credit, along with reductions in state appropriations to districts from migrating students.

SCSBA strongly encourages all school board members and public education advocates to contact their House members now and to urge a “no” vote on H.3407 in any form.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Northwestern High School's Spring Chorus Show To Be This Week

The Northwestern High School Troubadours will hold their spring concert Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night, beginning at 7 pm at the school auditorium. Tickets will be $5 for adults and $3 for students at the door.

Rock Hill School News For Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rock Hill School News For Thursday, May 12, 2011:
  • Kimberly Le and the Rawlinson Road Middle School Orchestra  placed first in the "Music in the Parks Festival" at Myrtle Beach during spring break.       
  • The South Pointe High School basketball program will be hosting its annual youth basketball camp for children ages 7-14 June 6-9 (Click Here For Details)
  • A York East "Relay for Life" event will be held on Friday, May 20, at 7:00 p.m. on the track at Castle Heights Middle School. The luminaria ceremony will begin at 9:00,
  • The 6th Annual COOLfest celebration will be held from 10 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. in Old Town Rock Hill (downtown). COOLfest is a FREE family friendly event created to promote healthy choices and creative activities available for York County youth, as well as showcase their talents and contributions. 
  • Rock Hill High will host its annual Brett Ringer Scholarship Golf Tournament on June 16. (Click here for a flyer)
  • The medical clinic at the Family Resource Center will be closed during July, but it will be open on Fridays during the month of June from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. All other agencies in the Center will be closed on Fridays due to the district's summer work schedule.  
  • Richmond Drive Elementary donated 20 percent of its "Book Fiesta" proceeds ($217) to the American Red Cross for Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Relief.  
  • Family Connections (in Family Resource Center) will sponsor a program on "Special Needs Wills and Trusts" from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon on Tuesday, May 17, in the Family Resource Center at 410 E.  Black Street. Those interested in attending should call Hollye at 803.366-4839.
Spring Concerts

  • May 17 – Dutchman Creek Middle School Choral Dept.; Jeri McGuffin, director; 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at the Middle School Auditorium
  • May 19 – Sullivan Middle School Orchestra; Marsha Gross, director; 7:30 p.m. at the school auditorium.
  •  May 24 – Northwestern High School Orchestra; Marsha Gross, director; 7:30 p.m.  at the School Auditorium
  • May 24 – Rawlinson Road Middle School 6th & 7th Grade Bands; Michael Skellet, director; 7:00 p.m.  
  • May 26 – Rawlinson Road Middle School "Sights & Sounds;" outside in front of school; 5:30 p.m.  

South Pointe Singers Present, "Stars For A Night!"

So you think the South Pointe singers can only sing choral music?  Well guess again!  Come join the South Pointe High School Stallion Corral Concert Choir as they present their first annual 'Stars for a Night' this Friday, May 20 at 7 p.m. in the South Pointe High School auditorium.  This talent showcase will feature singers from the SCCC singing solos, duets, and trios from their favorite genre.  Moms and Dads of  SCCC members will be performing with their children, as well as teachers such as Mr. Henthorn, Mrs. Laney and Ms. Dawson.  You may even see a little dancing!  Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students and children and may be purchased at the door.   Please come out and support the Stallion Corral Concert Choir members this Friday night.  We hope to see you there!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dear 16 Year Old Me

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

City of Rock Hill and Rock Hill Schools To Honor New Teacher of The Year Patti Tate

Patti Tate, an advanced placement English teacher at Northwestern High School and the new 2011-12 South Carolina Teacher of the Year, will be honored at a community drop-in on Tuesday afternoon, May 24, in the City Hall Rotunda at 155 Johnston Street in Rock Hill.

The drop-in, co-hosted by Rock Hill Schools and the City of Rock Hill, will be held from 4:00-5:30.

Rock Hill School News For Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rock Hill School News For Thursday, May 12, 2011:
  • Kimberly Le and the Rawlinson Road Middle School Orchestra  placed first in the "Music in the Parks Festival" at Myrtle Beach during spring break.       
  • The South Pointe High School basketball program will be hosting its annual youth basketball camp for children ages 7-14 June 6-9 (Click Here For Details)
  • A York East "Relay for Life" event will be held on Friday, May 20, at 7:00 p.m. on the track at Castle Heights Middle School. The luminaria ceremony will begin at 9:00,
  • The 6th Annual COOLfest celebration will be held from 10 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. in Old Town Rock Hill (downtown). COOLfest is a FREE family friendly event created to promote healthy choices and creative activities available for York County youth, as well as showcase their talents and contributions. 
  • Rock Hill High will host its annual Brett Ringer Scholarship Golf Tournament on June 16. (Click here for a flyer)
  • The medical clinic at the Family Resource Center will be closed during July, but it will be open on Fridays during the month of June from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. All other agencies in the Center will be closed on Fridays due to the district's summer work schedule.  
  • Richmond Drive Elementary donated 20 percent of its "Book Fiesta" proceeds ($217) to the American Red Cross for Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Relief.  
  • Family Connections (in Family Resource Center) will sponsor a program on "Special Needs Wills and Trusts" from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon on Tuesday, May 17, in the Family Resource Center at 410 E.  Black Street. Those interested in attending should call Hollye at 803.366-4839.
Spring Concerts
  • May 17 – Dutchman Creek Middle School Choral Dept.; Jeri McGuffin, director; 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at the Middle School Auditorium
  • May 19 – Sullivan Middle School Orchestra; Marsha Gross, director; 7:30 p.m. at the school auditorium.
  •  May 24 – Northwestern High School Orchestra; Marsha Gross, director; 7:30 p.m.  at the School Auditorium
  • May 24 – Rawlinson Road Middle School 6th & 7th Grade Bands; Michael Skellet, director; 7:00 p.m.  
  • May 26 – Rawlinson Road Middle School "Sights & Sounds;" outside in front of school; 5:30 p.m.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2011 South Carolina 4A Boys Soccer Championship Bracket

Bearcats and Trojans Continue in this years tournament. Click here after each game to see an updated bracket.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rock Hill Schools Work Session Notes

These are my notes from the Rock Hill School Board May Work Session:

  • Finley Road Elementary School made a presentation to the board. Most of the presentation was delivered by the Finley Road Morning News Team (four 5th graders). They did an excellent job!
  • The board heard a report on the fund balance and handed out a proposal to take 2 to 2 million dollars from the fund balance. Each board member stated how much they felt should come out of the fund and the chair asked the superintendent to take that information under advisement and come back with a recommendation.
  • The board was presented a "revised" Student Insurance Policy (JLA) and recommended no changes.
  • The board was given a list of textbooks for adoption by the board at the May business meeting. There were no recommended changes.
  • The board completed an online self-assessment. The information will be compiled and be used for the basis of a board retreat in July.
  • The board went into executive session to discuss negotiations with the City of  Rock Hill and the process for evaluating the superintendent this year.

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Because of New Hampshire

You know the state motto in New Hampshire is "Live Free or Die". New Hampshire's Teacher of The Year, Angie Miller, just became a new hero to a lot of teachers.
From The Answer Sheet:

What 2011 Teachers of the Year told the Ed Dept.

The single time spontaneous applause erupted from the teachers was when Angie Miller, the 2011 New Hampshire Teacher of the Year, spoke candidly about teachers and mentioned that she was “annoyed” by an open letter to teachers Duncan had written for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Miller was one of a number of teachers who served as representatives of discussion groups that had earlier come up with recommendations for the Education Department to consider in rewriting No Child Left Behind. The panel of department officials included Deputy Secretary Tony Miller, Assistant Secretary Carmel Martin, Duncan Chief of Staff Joanne Weiss and Assistant Deputy Secretary Jim Shelton.
Angie Miller, a language arts teacher at Holderness Central School, was the last teacher to address the panel. Her topic was parent involvement (she started by saying that it was appropriate that she spoke last because parent involvement is always given short shrift), and she brought up issues often ignored in school reform discussions:
*That the No. 1 correlation regarding student academic achievement is with the education level of the parent (which itself correlates to family income).
*That she was “annoyed” by Duncan’s letter, published by Education Week and on the Education Department website, in part because he didn’t mention parent involvement.
(Her comment about Duncan’s letter elicited a joke from the panel’s moderator, Massie Ritsch, deputy assistant secretary for outreach, about how the department could rescind her Teacher of the Year honor. Teachers laughed, and a panel member noted that he didn’t have the power to rescind it. Funny stuff.)
*That no reform program ever has made parent involvement a central focus.
*That the entire conversation in the auditorium at the Education Department up until that point had placed the responsibility for ensuring student success “on our shoulders,” meaning that teachers were being held accountable for student achievement even though there are many factors over which a teacher has no control.
Read the full article by clicking here.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Northwestern High School Summer Sports Camps

Click here to get a brochure of all the camps.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Rock Hill School District News For Friday, May 6, 2011

South Pointe High School's school newspaper, South Pointe in the News (SPiN), has earned its fourth state championship for the best scholastic newspaper in Class II.  Editor-in-chief, Taylor Snyder, and Jessie Fields, managing editor, along with their staff, attended the May SCSPA spring conference and awards ceremony in Columbia at the University of S.C. to accept the Palmetto Award from the S.C. Scholastic Press Association.  Emma Hampton, Stallion staff artist (last semester), was named the first place yearly finalist in art by the SCSPA. Teacher Cindy Koon serves as the adviser to the SPiN staff.

Larry Wells (Northwestern High School), Joe Gulledge (Rock Hill High School), and Jocquin Fuller (Dutchman Creek Middle School) had bands have been awarded the coveted S.C.Outstanding Performance Award from the S.C. Band Directors Assn.                                                    

Marsha Gross and the Northwestern High School Orchestra  received 15 superior scores and 10 excellent scores at the S.C. Solo and Ensemble Festival on April 29.

Myra Amler and  the Saluda Trail Middle School Band  earned  20 superior ratings and 6 excellent ratings at the Solo and Ensemble Festival on April 29

Michael Skellett and the Rawlinson Road Middle School Band placed first in the recent Myrtle
Beach "Festival of Music."

Eugene Bumgardner and the Northwestern High School Troubadours finished in first place in the "Music in the Park Festival" in Atlanta during spring break.

Fifth-graders from Northside Elementary School of the Arts  were invited to perform recently in the Broadway Junior Celebration at the Knight Theater in the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center.
Spring Concerts
May 6 – Rock Hill High Choral Dept.; 7:30 p.m.; $5
May 6 – South Pointe Choral Dept.; 7:00 p.m.; $5 for adults and $4 for students
May 12 – Northwestern Jazz Bands; 7:30 p.m. in Band Room; free, but donations accepted.
May 15 – Elementary Honors Choir; 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of Oakland Baptist church; free

Castle Heights Middle School will host its "Schools to Watch" celebration at 2:30 on May 17 in the gym.

Members of the Rock Hill Teacher Forum toured the district on May 4 and visited seven locations,
seeing the enormity of services offered by the district. During lunch, Cam Stewart, general
manager of Hendrick Honda of Rock Hill, presented Patti Tate with a $600 gift certificate to the Grove
Park Inn in Asheville and Julie Marshall, current chair of the Forum, agreed to serve a second term.

Rock Hill School Board Work Session To Be This Monday


LOCATION: District Office

START: 5:30 p.m.

DATE: May 9, 2011

1 Presentation by Finley Road Elementary School Al Bogan 30 minutes
2 Fund Balance Activity / Budget Discussion Elaine Bilton / Bob Norwood 60 minutes
3 Board Retreat / Self Assessment Activity Chris Smith / Bob Norwood 60 minutes
4 Superintendent's Evaluation Process Bob Norwood 15 minutes
5 Policy JLA - Student Insurance Tony Cox / Laney Burris 5 minutes
6 Textbook Adoption Judy Mobley 5 minutes
7 Executive Session - Contractual Matter with City of Rock Hill

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rock Hill High School Choral Concert Tonight (Thursday) and Friday

The Rock Hill High School Choral Department will have their spring concert tonight, Thursday, May 5 and Friday May 6, 2011. The concert will begin both nights at 7:30 pm and you may purchase tickets at the door for $5. Concert will be held at the Rock Hill High School Auditorium.

Rock Hill School Teachers of The Year For 2011-12

Rock Hill Schools is very pleased to announce the Teachers of the Year for school year 2011-12. One of these individuals will become the District Teacher of the Year and co-chair of the Rock Hill Teacher Forum and be considered for State Teacher of the Year Next April.
Janie Collins, Applied Technology Center (Health Science Technology)
Kaleena Gibson, Belleview Elementary (Grade 3)
Cheryl Mason-Furr, Castle Heights Middle (Grade 6 Language Arts)
Damon Ward, Central Child Development Center (Kindergarten for 4-year-olds)
Amy Koterba, The Children's School at Sylvia Circle (Speech Therapist)
Chip Newton, Dutchman Creek Middle (Grade 8 Math)
Sabrina Rhoden, Ebenezer Avenue Elementary (Special Education/Resource)
Melissa Wright, Ebinport Elementary (Grade 3)
Kelly Carolan, Exceptional Student Education (Speech Therapist)
Leigh Ann Strickland, Finley Road Elementary (Grade 1)
Ken Napier, Flexible Learning Center (Physical Education at Rebound)
Matt Hardman, Independence Elementary (Grade 5)
Heather Wilson, India Hook Elementary (ESOL)
Melissa Burroughs, Lesslie Elementary (Music)
Katie Abril, Mount Gallant Elementary (Music)
Kelly Hollingsworth, Mount Holly Elementary (Special Education/PMD)
Stacey Lewis, Northside Elementary School of the Arts (Grade 5)
Steven Johnson, Northwestern High (Spanish)
Lacey Sanders, Oakdale Elementary (Grade 3)
Deneen Gresham, Old Pointe Elementary (Grade 1)
Julianne Haley, Rawlinson Road Middle (Grade 6 Language Arts/Social Studies)
Kristina Marshall, Richmond Drive Elementary (Speech Therapist)
Jennifer Molnar, Rock Hill High (Business Education)
Casey Lefler, Rosewood Elementary (Grade 5)
April Ulmer, Saluda Trail Middle (Grade 8 Math)
Lola Washington, South Pointe High (English)
Corey Washington, Sullivan Middle (Grade 7 Language Arts)
Cassie Kitts, Sunset Park Center for Accelerated Studies (Grade 2)
Ryan Hinkleman, York Road Elementary (Special Education/Resource) 

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