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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Using Social Media

Some of you may know of Dianne Gallagher, the CN2 reporter and sometimes host of Comporium's cable TV news. What you may not know is  Dianne makes a lot of posts on Twitter (kokomodianne). Just recently, one of her posts was picked up by the New York Times on a discussion of the proper way to pronounce Van Wyck. I follow Dianne on Twitter because you can stay current on local and state politics as well as local news and sports. She usually does a very good job.

And she is not alone. The city of Rock Hill has made an aggressive move to enter the social communication age. Their Twitter site, RockHillSCCity keeps you informed of road work and utility issues. Not to mention they are trying to connect through their Open City Hall site. Political consultants Phil Bailey and Wesley Donehue are communicating South Carolina issues as well as bringing civility back into politics with their Pub Politics internet show. Their language is sometimes too salty for my taste, but their effort to improve politics in South Carolina is outstanding!

That brings me to the Rock Hill School District (BTH's). They now have a minor presence on facebook and some schools are using Twitter. I applaud their initial efforts and look forward to their move to  more platforms such as Twitter and youtube.

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