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Friday, May 6, 2011

Rock Hill School District News For Friday, May 6, 2011

South Pointe High School's school newspaper, South Pointe in the News (SPiN), has earned its fourth state championship for the best scholastic newspaper in Class II.  Editor-in-chief, Taylor Snyder, and Jessie Fields, managing editor, along with their staff, attended the May SCSPA spring conference and awards ceremony in Columbia at the University of S.C. to accept the Palmetto Award from the S.C. Scholastic Press Association.  Emma Hampton, Stallion staff artist (last semester), was named the first place yearly finalist in art by the SCSPA. Teacher Cindy Koon serves as the adviser to the SPiN staff.

Larry Wells (Northwestern High School), Joe Gulledge (Rock Hill High School), and Jocquin Fuller (Dutchman Creek Middle School) had bands have been awarded the coveted S.C.Outstanding Performance Award from the S.C. Band Directors Assn.                                                    

Marsha Gross and the Northwestern High School Orchestra  received 15 superior scores and 10 excellent scores at the S.C. Solo and Ensemble Festival on April 29.

Myra Amler and  the Saluda Trail Middle School Band  earned  20 superior ratings and 6 excellent ratings at the Solo and Ensemble Festival on April 29

Michael Skellett and the Rawlinson Road Middle School Band placed first in the recent Myrtle
Beach "Festival of Music."

Eugene Bumgardner and the Northwestern High School Troubadours finished in first place in the "Music in the Park Festival" in Atlanta during spring break.

Fifth-graders from Northside Elementary School of the Arts  were invited to perform recently in the Broadway Junior Celebration at the Knight Theater in the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center.
Spring Concerts
May 6 – Rock Hill High Choral Dept.; 7:30 p.m.; $5
May 6 – South Pointe Choral Dept.; 7:00 p.m.; $5 for adults and $4 for students
May 12 – Northwestern Jazz Bands; 7:30 p.m. in Band Room; free, but donations accepted.
May 15 – Elementary Honors Choir; 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary of Oakland Baptist church; free

Castle Heights Middle School will host its "Schools to Watch" celebration at 2:30 on May 17 in the gym.

Members of the Rock Hill Teacher Forum toured the district on May 4 and visited seven locations,
seeing the enormity of services offered by the district. During lunch, Cam Stewart, general
manager of Hendrick Honda of Rock Hill, presented Patti Tate with a $600 gift certificate to the Grove
Park Inn in Asheville and Julie Marshall, current chair of the Forum, agreed to serve a second term.

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