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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rock Hill Schools Work Session Notes

These are my notes from the Rock Hill School Board May Work Session:

  • Finley Road Elementary School made a presentation to the board. Most of the presentation was delivered by the Finley Road Morning News Team (four 5th graders). They did an excellent job!
  • The board heard a report on the fund balance and handed out a proposal to take 2 to 2 million dollars from the fund balance. Each board member stated how much they felt should come out of the fund and the chair asked the superintendent to take that information under advisement and come back with a recommendation.
  • The board was presented a "revised" Student Insurance Policy (JLA) and recommended no changes.
  • The board was given a list of textbooks for adoption by the board at the May business meeting. There were no recommended changes.
  • The board completed an online self-assessment. The information will be compiled and be used for the basis of a board retreat in July.
  • The board went into executive session to discuss negotiations with the City of  Rock Hill and the process for evaluating the superintendent this year.

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