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Friday, June 10, 2011

Rock Hill School Board To Get Administration's Proposed Budget On Monday

The Rock Hill School Board will hear the Superintendent's proposed budget for the 2011-12 school year at the June Work Session beginning at 5:30 pm at the district office. The budget presentation will begin at 6:00 pm and will be streamed live on the district web site. The presentation will also be available later on the Comporium  Cable TV Education channel. The public will have an opportunity to sign up and speak for or against the proposal.  The board will also discuss the superintendent's evaluation and the board retreat in July. The administration will make a proposal to the board for an innovative education experience at York Road Elementary School for next year.

The proposed agenda is below:


District Office

START: 5:30 p.m.

DATE: June 13, 2011

1 Superintendent's Evaluation Process Bob Norwood 5 minutes
2 School Board Retreat Chris Smith 10 minutes
3 Use of Activity Buses During the Summer Luanne Kokolis 15 minutes
4 Public Forum on Budget Lynn Moody / Elaine Bilton 60 minutes
5 Tobacco Free Update Keith Wilks 10 minutes
6 4K Expansion Harriet Jaworowski 10 minutes
7 Innovative Classroom Pilot Rich Melzer 10 minutes
8 Matrix for Hearings Keith Wilks 10 minutes
9 TAN Elaine Bilton 10 minutes
10 Lunch Price Increase Elaine Bilton 10 minutes
11 Legislative Update Walter Brown 10 minutes
12 Executive Session - Student Matter

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