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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Understanding the Support Effect in Bilayered Catalysts For Methanol Oxidation

Parents and Grandparents reading books, the retired neighbor giving encouragement and support for dreaming of doctors or lawyers, family friends asking questions and letting them know they have multiple parents, the support of a church community, playmates and fellow students who collectively helped them through life's learning steps, and teachers who lead them to knowledge. So, what does this have to do with Methanol Oxidation?

Well, plenty. Recently I attended the Hooding Ceremony for one of my sons for his Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering. In my reflection on how we got to this place, I realized that a lot of people were responsible in some way.

Which brings me to the Rock Hill School graduation ceremony's this Saturday. This will be my thirteenth year, and I'll still get goosebumps when the last student walks across the stage and the whole Winthrop Coliseum erupts in cheers and praise for the students. A celebration that rivals any state championship.

I feel sorry for those who do not get to experience what is so special in York County. A community that reverently respects the achievement of each individual graduate and then shouts for the achievement of them all. Certainly, it took ONE COMMUNITY to help make it happen.

Graduates, good luck  on you journey through life.

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