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Monday, October 24, 2011

South Pointe High School Athletics Helping Community

The Stallions have teamed up in hopes to collect as many non-perishable food items and personal hygiene products in order to donate them to the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen and help their community.
The football team will be taking up donations and Collection Bins will be located on the campus of South Pointe High School as well as the Main Gates during home football games.
Food Items:                                                                                                       Paper Products:                               
-          Canned tomato products                                                              -  Paper towels
-          Canned vegetables                                                                           - Napkins
-          Canned soups                                                                      - Plates
-          Canned beans                                                                      - Plastic Utensils
-          Canned fruits                                                                        -  Cups (hot and cold)
-          Catsup and Mustard                                                          - Large foil baking pans
-          Sugar
-          Seasoning: salt, pepper, dried onions                                      Personal Hygiene Products:
-          Coffee creamer (powder)                                                              - Deodorant               - lotion
-          Oatmeal                                                                                               - Toothpaste/Toothbrushes
-          Pasta                                                                                                  - Soap
  - Shampoo

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