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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rock Hill School Board Business Meeting Notes

The Rock Hill School board held their March Business meeting on Monday, March 26, 2012 at the school district office. These are my notes:
The following action items were taken with a 7-0 vote:
  • Approved the consent agenda consisting of previous month's minutes, personnel recommendations and approval of contracts for next year, facilities request for several churches to use school facilities, new textbook adoption, activity bus rental, and two overnight field study requests.
  • Approved Policy DC for 2nd and final reading.
  • Approved Policy KBC for 2nd and final reading
  • Approved Policy ADF for 1st reading.
  • Approved a Policy trial for using personal electronic devices until the end of the year. The district wants to try monitoring/blocking software.
  • Approved the administrations recommendation to not offer a contract to an employee (after discussion in executive session).
The board approved the following action items with a 6-1 vote:
  • Approved a trip for the Rock Hill High School marching band to Hawaii with Brown against. Brown votes against all trips outside the continental US due to safety concerns.
  • Approved a recommendation for the Associate Superintendent for planning to enter into an agreement for the sale of a piece of undeveloped property on Anderson Road for $900,000, subject to approval by the county council with Douglas against. Douglas did not feel comfortable with some of the conditions of sale.
The board recognized:
  •  Staff who have been selected by their supervisor as "Distinguished Climbers" for March.
  • The 21 schools that achieved either Palmetto Gold or Silver Awards
  • The 5th (Mason Carter from Lesslie Elementary School ) and 8th (Laura Breitkreutz from Dutchman Creek Middle School ) grade District Superintendent Writing Award Program winners. The topic this year was about cell phones in school.
  • Applied Technology students Henry Tran, Daniel Spangler, and Joshua Ashworth for placing first in a recent HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) event.
  • Denise Khaalid on being named the National Assistant Principal of the Year.
The board heard reports on:
  • Changes to custodial services.
  • Collaborative efforts with other local governments. Click here to see the report on the Rock Hill School District's collaboration efforts.
  • Rock Hill High School Orchestra student, Adam Sullivan played a cello solo.
The board agreed to a meeting on April 11 to begin discussions on communicating the value of a public education.

Below is a comedy video by a Sunset Park 5th grader. It is on youtube which is currently blocked in the district.

Click here for a link to the video.
Below is a video clip presented at a recent educator conference which dealt with the issue of social media in education.
  Click here for a link to the video.

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